
What can you do when the paranormal happens?

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While I have an open mind about everything, I don't fully understand what I have experienced in my life when it comes to the paranormal. I have seen what some people have come to call "shadow people" or in some instances just a shadow of something that cannot be explained. I've heard breathing sounds or soft voices when I was the only one around, no tv or radios on in the area.

These things started when I was seven and have continued on through my life at different times and places. A trip to Savannah, Georgia a few years ago gave me a scare when I was walking through an old house there while on a tour. I walked into what they call a "cold spot" and felt this overwhelming feeling of sadness wash over me and it caused me to cry. It only lasted for a few moments and then everything seemed to return to normal.

Now things like this are happening in my own home, seeing shadows that shouldn't be there, hearing things that have, seemingly, no source. I'm at a loss of what to do now. Help?




  1. The best answer I can give you is to study up on paranormal that are similar to what you are experiencing.

  2. It sounds as though you may be a sensitive. I am sorry that you feel frightened and have been treated rather poorly by the first posters please understand that many here can help.

    If you are truly having these experiences I think that you should follow Deenie's advise, please go to resolved questions. Also hislady is very insightful on this subject go to her profile and read over some of her answers that have questions pertaining to your issues.

    I hope this helps.

  3. People who do not believe in the paranormal should not be telling other that do believe that they are crazy.  That is like saying do you believe in the wind.  You can feel it but you can't see it.  Everyone of course feels the wind but not everyone has experienced the paranormal.  Other refuse to see what is in front of them.

    When you feel a cold spot, make sure there is no draft or vent that cold air can come through, if there is neither of these you have a real paranormal cold spot.  With the shadows, don't be afraid of them.  Shine a light on them and tell them that this is not there house and they are not welcome there.  If you have a voice recorder or a camcorder, put it where the noises are.  If it is a camcorder, watch the tape.  If you have a voice recorder of some kind listen and document what you hear.  Do not talk any more than time and date on either.  And I know it is hard but try not to be afraid of them.  Make sure your house is quiet when you are doing this.   After you watch your video or listen to your recording you will know more about what is happening in your home.

  4. I guess you're wondering why you even came to the PARANORMAL SECTION!!! I wish these people above..except for 3, I think..would go back to their own section!

    NO ..YOU ARE NOT CRAZY!!! Don't let them drive you crazy making you think you are! I'm not sure of the correct term for everything..but empath comes to mind..where you pick up the feelings of other people or spirits. It's hard to tell if you were feeling a spirit's feelings or someone standing near you.  Yes, I have walked in and out of cold spots too. They are distinct and real. I had a friend who went on that tour in Savanah..but she isn't a sensitive. I've heard voices..only once, I think , out loud..but for years in loud thoughts. I know there are shadow people , but I haven't seen any. You need to find someone who knows about these things in your area..hopefully someone who won't charge just to talk with you and guide you. I know they're hard to find. Look for a group...even if it's just one who does ghost tours. Maybe you'll find someone in there who will help you. Go online and look for websites. You probably have a lot to learn. I'm surprised you haven't come to this section before. Go to Discover Resolved Questions and read all of them that you can. Read all the answers..not just the Best Answer. I see you haven't used Y/A much.Hope you'll hang around here and be a part of our group. You'll learn a lot. You can't learn it all at one time. At least you'll feel at home here and know that you're not the only one  these things happen to. I don't know if she takes email..but "hislady" seems to know a lot. Just stay with us ..and ignore the skeptics. (They don't bite..they just bark!)

    Edit..Keep in mind that this goes through the General Category before it gets to the Paranormal Section. I think that's where these skeptics came from . I don't recognize any of them.

  5. First, shadow people, ghosts, fairies, unicorns, and the like do not exist in the real world.

    Second, there does exist in the real world the human brain, which is subject to experience things that have no correlation to the real world.

    You are kidding yourself with these ghostly fantasies, but it is only normal - that's the way the human brain works.

  6. While I see that some people are speaking to you like you are crazy or making yourself believe things are there when they are not, I have a few words of advice for you.

    You are not crazy and it does appear that you have an energy around you that attracts these things to you, seeing as you mentioned a trip where you experienced things as well. Some people are more in tune with these kinds of things and it can effect them anywhere they go where these things may be.

    The source of "power" for these things is in giving them more attention. While I know that those things can't be easy for you to ignore completely, don't respond to them. Or if you feel compelled to, acknowledge them and be at peace. Accept that they are there and find a way to become comfortable with your gift.

    Being a nurse, I've seen cases of many mental illnesses and you don't have one that I can tell. You simply have the ability to connect with these things on a higher level than the normal human mind can, and it is a gift, in my eyes. Just do what feels right to you and I wish you the best of luck with this.

  7. The most interesting thing about this section so far is how many people that have no education or training in psychology or mental health feel free to diagnose over the internet based upon a small fraction of information.

    If they held licensed (in other words if they were qualified) they would immediately lose those license for unethical (and in many states illegal) practice of offering a diagnosis without examination.

    Of course others just want to be insulting I suppose.

    I have listed a link below for you that you might find interesting/helpful.

    Please feel free to contact me if you wish to speak further.

    Your situation sounds like it might require more than a simple posted answer. I would be happy to discuss and explore ideas with you.


  8. Interestingly pretty much everything can be explained. I guess you have to believe that. If you don't then you get involved with the "paranormal"or unexplained.

    If you are convinced that there is a "cold spot" then guess what, you are going to feel one. your mind will make you feel one and you will act and feel according to your preconceived notion of what that should be like.

    If you don't feel safe in your home or uneasy I am sure there is a reason, I don't want to say its psychological...could be a bad neighborhood or just a creepy feeling house. But these things can trigger your mind to make see and hear things.

    My suggestion:

    1. Get to the bottom of what is creeping you out. Figure out if its the house or what.

    2. Fix it. If its the house or neighborhood...move.

    3. If its you being at home too much, take a dancing class or something fun outside the house.

  9. Realize that you are experiencing a delusion or an illusion.  Don't worry, it doesn't necessarily mean you are crazy.  Every human brain is capable of imagining things that are not real on occasion - even making things SEEM as if they are real.  

    Remember if paranormal things really happened, (and were independently and scientifically verified), they wouldn't be paranormal, they'd be natural.

  10. I would say stop and think.Take a real hard look at things.Are they real or imaginings?Look for alternate explanations.Once you've eliminated all natural explanations.Document whatever you can.Show it to as many folks as possible.Let the chips fall where they may.

  11. It's all a matter of perception, you see or hear something unusual and you think that it is paranormal.

    If you don't believe in the paranormal when something unusual happens you look for a logical answer, and even if  you can't find the reason straight away you still don't conclude that it has an unearthly cause.

    Things like cold spots, they are either cold due to physical causes like drafts etc or they are not cold and you are perceiving the temperature change erroneously.

    For the disbelievers believing in ghosts is akin to believing in Santa.

  12. all i can tell you is that u r a physic medium and must have a power force around you

  13. Do they frighten you?

    Do they make it hard for you do function?

    Do you keep a journal of what happens, how and when?

    YOU have to make the choice to see these things or not, and train your brain to either allow you the experience, or to "not report it".  It sounds like you have already trained your brain to alert you , now you have to decide and make effort at re-training if that is what you want to do.

    You might consider speaking with a doctor about this. There may be other things going on for you.

    No one wants to come out and publically say there are "things" out there, but we have a law in Ca. that says if your house is haunted, you have to disclose it in real estate sales, or be liable.

    Are there any absolute tests for this?

    If you think you are really seeing things, and have any control over them, or the occurances, then contact  Randi

    Peace to you


  14. Ask your doctor about medication for schizophrenia.

    Edit: I didn't give them a diagnosis. I suggested they seek one out. Your television probably tells you to ask your doctor about bladder control and erectile dysfunction medication. Do you get this frustrated with it?

    The people immediately below me are right. It can all be explained by the simple power of suggestion. Buying in to the paranormal makes you gullible. There isn't medication for that. Seeing and hearing things might indicate schizophrenia, so I suggested they seek out their doctor and find what they think, as there is medication for that.

    Though I suppose I'm wasting my energy. I had a friend who was a conspiracy theorist, and illogical beliefs are likely to persist no matter what. Anything I say could be whisked away by him with "you're just listening to whatever the government tells you", and anything I say to you will be whisked away with "he's just close-minded and won't open his mind to astounding possibilities".

    Also, to one of the other answers: How on earth do you know about our backgrounds? We could all have advanced degrees in psychology, for all you know. Or did you know it by sensing our auras through the computer?

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