
What can you do when you have annoying siblings always aroumd you when you want to get away from them?????????

by  |  earlier

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My sister is always annoying me and i always get told off because im the older one, she is always around me and i cant get away from her what can i do?




  1. well i grew up on farmland in the midwest and when i was sad or angry, i would run through the cornfields where they cant follow me, and head for the woods.  i would eat corn and wild mushrooms for days until i was found.....when i finally told daddy the reason why i kept running away to the woods, he broke down and built me my very own bedroom in the barn!!!  all my friends thought i was so cool and lucky....until i went to school and one kid started teasing me about smelling like cow p**p and having hay in my hair....oh well.  u cant ever win 'em all!

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