
What can you do when you have no money, work (real estate, not sales side)?

by  |  earlier

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Being partially self employed at the whim of clients and struggling to obtain a better license to move foreward in career(commercial appraiser trainee). Feeding a family of 5, 2 dogs, 2 rabbits. Cut expenses to the bones and looking at being out on the street in 30 days.

As usual most will say go get a job. Here is your answer to that I have 2. Just no orders coming in on the residential and commercial side. One order for residential = 1 weeks pay for minimum wage. 1 Commercial job = 1 month minimum. So a part time job would be replaced rather eaisly. Over qualified for most jobs and most wont hire you because of that fact even for part time work. And yes I have applied.

As far as public assistance Answer from the "You are not entitled because you are self employed". So I pay taxes for benefits I can't recieve. How do you like that? They take to give to people who dont want to work and can't give to the people who do want to work and can work and do work.

I saw someone post similar question and everyone was GET A JOB!.

Find out the circumstances first. Take all of your money out of your pocket out of your bank account and no access to it. Further place yourself at an age 40-50 ish and place yourself with out parents both dead and both grandparents gone and your an only child. Spouse has parents but have given all help they can. Then realize that you have not the funding to propel your vehicle to do work when you can and not being able to get public assistance for just a short get me over the hump and this plagues your credit so much you cannot get a loan to help out. All the while you have reduced expenses to Rent, 1 auto payment, utilities (electric), phone and internet (necessity for work sending orders electronically and using net based services for your work).

Then pass your judgement.

So What would and what could you do?




  1. First of all you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself because this is what is hendering you from trying even can take odd jobs try to find a job Im sure that some employer somewhere will hire you and maybe its time to quit the business if its not working out..You have to really do what you think is best for you if you really want it then you wont stop until you get it.

  2. I would cut grass in the neghiberhood, scrap paint in the inner city, clean gutters, suck out grease traps, pick up dead animals along the road................what ever it takes........if you have to work for 5 bucks and hour its 5 bucks in your pocket........stop feeling sorry for yourself and get going......the rest of us are making it...........not what I want to do but feeds the kids...........

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