
What can you do when you see a friend hurting herself?

by Guest60348  |  earlier

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ask why? what else?




  1. my friends felt the way you do when i was hurting myself. sometimes silence is the best. it was winter back then and i'd just go with my friends to the mall for a cup of hot chocolate and we'd talk and talk and then we'd just stay silent for hours. there was no need to say anything. their presence was enough. a friend, even a best friend, cannot completely understand you. but the fact that they are trying to understand you is what matters. just show your friend you care. if you really do, she'll feel it.

  2. If shes messing up he rlife then you should tell her do you really want to do this to yourself and do you think you are hurting other people around you too?(if she is hurting other people)Beacause messing up your life,well you'll wanna regret that!

  3. I would not ask her why, because that only gives it dramatic attention. I would say, "You absolutely have to get help for this." and then I would leave. I don't stick around to witness people acting out.

  4. tell her or him to stop and tell her or him how much u care for her or him

  5. well its extremely important to comfort the friend that is practicing self-mutilation. Don't come on too strong because chances are the person that is doing this to themselves isn't going to be very open. Just comfort this friend and when they are ready they will tell you why they are hurting themselves.

    If this problem escalates, go to a trusted adult, and voice your concern over your friends overall well-being. At first your friend may be infuriated and disappointed that you told someone, but in the end you are ultimately out for your friends best interest and that is their luck. I really hope that this helps!

  6. make sure she feels loved and needed

  7. if she's your friend you should beable to talk to her, let her know you are not judging her but tell her you are worried and ask if you can help

  8. If she is endangering her life you need to convince her to seek professional help. These are trying times for most everyone. I take it that you are young people but this  makes it somewhat worse. Trying to learn your way in life the peer pressure and all. Some people think that hurting themselves is the only way that they can feel something besides the hurt in their heart and head. There are those who just need to feel something. Please reach out to her give her your support and try to help her understand that there is no shame in needing the help of others (professional or otherwise)

  9. If it's not that big of a deal, then maybe you should ask her about it, or just not say anything at all.

    But if it's something serious, then you need to confront her about it, or get help right away from an adult, even if she doesn't want you to

  10. i mean...yeah. you could help them (maybe ask them to talk to you before they hurt themselves and you can give them 10 good reasons they shouldn't)

    this has happened to me. its basically there choice, but you could do little things like that^^^

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