
What can you do with a bias judge?

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What can you do with a bias judge?




  1. you can do any thing

  2. A biased judge is a very common complaint, but there are only a few areas that provide for a way to get a judge off a case when you see bias.

    The bias has to be something more than the judge simply doesn't like you. If the judge has business or financial interests with one of the parties, the judge can be removed. If the judge is related by blood or marriage to a party, the judge can be removed. And if the judge displays a pattern of favoring one side, without sufficient legal reasons, the judge might me subject to removal. If the judge makes comments that display bias, or makes decisions for reasons that show bias, it may be possible to remove the judge.However, you will need an attorney to make a motion (a request) to remove the judge. I have never seem a person remove a biased judge without an attorney.

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