
What can you do with a degree in Antropology?

by Guest64181  |  earlier

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I love the thought of studying Anthro. Besides teaching it, what are a few things that one could do with a deg. in it?




  1. It is only worthwhile if you plan on getting a Ph.D. There is very little or nothing out there for someone with only a bachelors. Sorry. I have a B.A. and it didn't help me at all. Luckily I had a B.S. in Biology which was a little more useful.

  2. The possibilities for field work in archeology and social anthropology are greater than you may think -- they just don't get all that much publicity.  Also, as another person mentioned, you could work in a museum, or you could produce documentaries about people living in remote areas of the world.

    If you really love it, find out about getting your doctorate in the field, which is how you will get the best grants to go on digs or observe other cultures.  Also, consider studying either ancient languages (for archeology), or photography and film (for field work among other cultures).  I think a basic grounding in biological science and geography would be useful, too.  And if you had good photography or filmmaking skills, you'd be marketable, I'm sure.  Plus, it would be fun.

    We know that someone must be working for National Georgraphic.  Why not you?

  3. There are a lot of areas of anthropology.  Social, physical, forensic come to mind.  Instead of asking on the internet, how about asking an anthropology professor?

  4. You could eat it. It will be about as beneficial as it is worthless.

  5. It's getting me a job in cultural resource management, but maybe that's because I have a BS, not a BA, because anthropology is a science not an art.  I plan on going for a masters eventually but right now my new degree sure doesn't seem worthless for me!

  6. I can't do anything with it.

    You, on the other hand, might so something with it.

    One thing you could do is apply for graduate school and, if accepted, get a Masters ot just go directly for your PhD.

    Then and only then, you will be qualified to really learn Anthropology and either make a discovery, write a book or teach.

    I should point out that you do not need a PhD to make a relevant discovery; anybody can discover a significant find. It helps with everything surrounding the find, however, if you can tag a PhD on the end of your name so that people who have no clue of the significance of said find can nevertheless be...impressed!

    "Well, he's got him one a those pHd thingies so he must be smart and that thing he done found must be importuent, uh, impoutrent, uh immpourent, uh...real good!"

    You get my drift?

  7. actually kind of worthless, but could be a dream

    a dig in asia, or egypt

    a museum curater

    cnn consultant

    jaques cousteau group

    yeh, teaching

    working in some obscure lab

    but what  the heck, if you like it, do it

    90% percent of a job , is if you like to get up in the morning and doing it

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