
What can you drill hammer into a wall for 4 days?

by Guest66890  |  earlier

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just wonder what is making neighbour so annoying.. he does this off & on for months?




  1. I happen to be one who knows your landlord. He is suffering from Post Traumatic Divorce Syndrome. It's an affliction that makes you want to bang your head against the wall. After a time this becomes painful so most switch to hammers, wine bottles,beer bottles and empty herb containers. Gradually it goes away,with the help of copious amounts of alcohol. Be thankful he doesn't have Pre Traumatic Divorce Syndrome as these people use firearms to vent their frustrations. I have had each 12 times so I know. I will be getting out in 7 years and hope I don't relapse.

  2. He might be doing some woodworking or something depending on the house construction it might sound like he's beating on the wall. Especially if he built his workbench along that wall.

    He might be building a cabinet or entertainment center.

    Good luck.

  3. Wonder he's got any wall left

  4. He may just be a recreational drill user and collector. I had a neighbour who was the same, once. (It was a while ago. I confess I can't even remember where he's buried now).

  5. He might have bodies in the wall, don't ask he may put you in next. lock your doors, lol.

  6. You have a right to quiet enjoyment of the premises.  Write a letter to the landlord telling him about this and asking him to fix the problem.

  7. 4 days? i envy you really i do, ive had it for the past 4 and a half years.

  8. Is there a bank near by?.

    My Best

  9. If you are in UK (and this is a Party Wall)  you are entitled to know what he is up to,  under legislation.

  10. chimney breast? drill fetish?  new floor? blunt drill bit?  family of woodpeckers squatting?

  11. He is probably breaking through the wall in his loft, into your loft. Better check. He could be renting it out by now.

  12. Perhaps he's constructing a nuclear bunker.

  13. 1.  go ask

    2.  call police to report him

    3.  report him to landlord

  14. Maybe he has 1000s pictures up?

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