
What can you eat 3rd and 4th day prior to a Colonoscopy?

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I have to be on clear fluids 2 days before,as I wasn't completely empty last time, and I should avoid red meat before that, but can I eat vegetables (apart from corn)?




  1. In all the time I have done this, the 3 and 4th day out were fair game for most foods except it should be light meals.  Avoiding seeds has more to do with them being harder to digest than with clogging the instruments.  Good luck.

    FYI: I drive myself to and from from my colonoscoppies because I don't get sedated.  Some nurses seemed shocked that anyone would have a colonoscopy without sedation.  Afterwards they ask about the level of discomfort I experienced.  I'll take 15 minutes of discomfort over the risks associated with sedation.  It's not for everyone; but, should be the patient's choice.

  2. I think that on the 3rd and 4th day prior to a colonoscopy you're supposed to avoid things with seeds in them like: watermelon, grapes, peanuts, nuts, olives etc. because they can cause damage to the medical instrument if they get caught in it. Normally, when you get that awful stuff from the pharmacy, they will tell you specifically what you can and can't eat and how many days prior to the procedure.

    P.S. - Don't forget to have someone drive you when you go for your colonoscopy, otherwise, they won't give you a sedative when you have the procedure done. They won't give you any medication for it, if you don't have a drive home - very important and they don't always remind you of that!!

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