
What can you feed an oscar?

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I have a friend who owns a Oscar, for some reason she lets the kids feed it FRUIT LOOPS! It is also rumoured that she is also feeding it fruit loops. Which kind of puzzles me.

Is it safe to do this?

Does it hurt the fish?

Can anybody suggest what it should be eating?

It does get some feeder fish, but what else can it eat?




  1. Depends on the size of the Oscar, but fruit loops, definetly not!  We used to feed ours worms, crickets, slaters, peas as it got bigger it even ate a small green frog and a baby mouse, but by this stage it was 20cm long! He was quite a healthy Oscar

  2. well its is smart to buy food that was made for fish because human food might make them sick

  3. The best thing to feed it are the pellet food.  They look like dog food kibbles.  

  4. can  eat some fruit but very very messy cows heart high in protein thats wat i use and crickets 2 make oscar do tricks only problem with hand feeding sometimes they grab fingers but your oscar will rush to see you when you goto tank  works like a treat  

  5. that's not good it can really hurt the fish

    she might be charged with animal cruelty if it dies

  6. fruit loops arent safe,

    they contain suger,

    and that pollutes the tank

    try some peas.

    take a handful of peas and sit them in a bowl of water and let them get mushy, give him 1-4 a day...great snack and healthy

    for other feeding choices check this site:

  7. OMG I'm surprised it's still alive. Below are a couple of links with some detailed feeding suggestions. I would concentrate on nutrition first (in a large or medium sized staple pellet, probably Hikari) then carefully add on variety by introducing a high quality flake (Tetra) and good frozen food or live food as a treat. Watch to see how the Oscar likes each food (whether it's a hit or a miss) and go from there. Feeding time should be loads of fun - but not at the expense of the Oscar's health. Good Luck and uh ....hide the fruit loops. :)

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