
What can you file your teeth with?

by  |  earlier

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i wanna make my cannines(or however you spell it) sharper cause they like flat and i want them like vampire fangs ^.^ does anyone know wat i can use




  1. You do know that you can't change it back once you do it right? Permanent teeth don't grow back..

    Maybe ask your dentist?

  2. You need to see a dentist if you want this kind of body modification.

    If you attempt to do this yourself you will very likely cause yourself a large amount of very unpleasant and very persistent pain... I mean really unpleasant and extremely persistent.  You can very quickly damage the nerves in your teeth by taking any kind of instrument to them.

  3. With a nail file of course!! and when your done you can flip the file over and buff them!

  4. Get someone to clamp your head in a vice and use an ordinary metal file; one about a foot long should do it. Don't worry about taking your head out afterwards, you obviously aren't using it for anything.

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