
What can you guys tell me about LSD?

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What are the steps in production of LSD? This is for a Criminal Justice Project I'm doing for my high school.. since my area has a large LSD production rate.




  1. Clandestine LSD production is varied, so I'm not sure what you'd want to say.  And I don't believe you, so I'm just going to refer you to the 1948 LSD patent.  Have fun:

  2. do a little research man. youre in high school, and  your doing homework, get off yahoo!answers, cuz most of the people here are not a source.  just like the first guy, he's wrong.  timothy LEARY did not invent lsd, although he was a producer and leading advocate for it.

    wikipedia - lsd.  its a long read, but a good read.

    do some real research man.

    ps no one's going to tell you the steps in the production of it because they dont know, and if they do know, they're not going to explain it over the internet. all that wiki says it involves a solid understanding of organic chemistry

  3. you might want to google timothy leary - or is it o'leary? anyways, look up both names.  he invented lsd while he was at MIT.  

  4. it was discovered by accident. there can be many good and bad parts of a person's high. and the high itself it totally uncontrollable.

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