
What can you keep in a 10 gal tank?

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what kinds of animals can you keep in a 10 gallon fish tank...besides fish. i want something that would be happy and not cramped and would preferably either have a life expectancy of two years or be manageable in a college dorm. i don't want my mom to end up taking care of my pets, especially if she doesn't even like them. and absolutely no rodents, i can't stand them.




  1. a small lizard or snake

  2. I keep a leapord gecko in a 10 gallon. I also have 2 Green Anoles together in one 10 gallon. I also have a tarantua in a 10 gallon and I also have a snake in a 10 gallon. Most smaller sized lizards do fine in a ten gallon. You just have to make sure that you know the best way to care for that animal.  

  3. I agree try keeping a small turtle or a few frogs or newts maybe geckos/lizards/beared dragon, Mountain Horned Dragon or Chinese Water Dragon/skinks/iguanas/ Chameleon

    Edit: You can also keep snakes such as Corn and King Snakes

  4. Try a Turtle, it'll have to be half-aquarium half-terrarium, and you could have one in there. Or try a gecko or small lizard. They're pretty easy to take care of, just release a few crickets in the terrarium. Don't you think this should've been in the Other-Pets section?

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