
What can you never seem to be able to do properly in a dream?

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I can never dial a phone number correctly in my dreams. My fingers always miss the number keys, or I constantly mis-dial. What have some of you never been able to do properly in a dream?




  1. Go down stairs... Every time I have a dream were im going down stairs I trip & wake up.

  2. I have never been able to hold a cup/mug or anything to drink from that has a handle ??  or generally have complete controll of my dreams

  3. I can never punch someone or physically hurt someone in my dreams.

    It feels soooo bad, the feeling where you are real angry and you start punching them but each swing is so weak and wobbly, i feel so powerless and i cant do anything.  Yet, i keep trying, but its the same, that feeling is so bad, it happened to quite a lot, it sucks.

  4. i have a dream every night and i can never scream in my dreams when i am in trouble

  5. I can never kill this guy.....i have this recurring dream where im just killing ppl like an assassin or something but theres always this guys that takes some money and run and i chase after him on a motorcycle but when i catch him he pleads and begs and i let my guard down and he kills me

  6. I can never read something, and retain what I've read.  Usually, the words show up as gobbledygook, but I know what they say.  If I try to go back to read it again, or show someone, they're still gobbledygook, but what it says is a mystery, the 2nd time around.

  7. dial a number and scream when I'm in trouble but I can't do either when I'm in trouble in real life. Like when I got stuck in an elevator this morning...

  8. I can't run in my once had a dream about a tornado coming after me and I tried 2 run and I did but it was like I was running in slow-mo but the tornado was going normal speed

  9. i can never run. its so annoying! esp if someone is chasing me. i mean i can run, but never fast.

    ages ago i wasnt able to fly properly but recently the dreams ive had of flying i was able to control myself :D:D

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