
What can you plant under roses?

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We have a bunch of roses. I don't like them, but my husband really does. Besides the thorns, I don't like how gangly they look. As a compromise, I was wondering what works aesthetically as well as horticulturally under roses. Our roses have very pretty blooms and are irrigated and in full sun, and the ones I really want to soften up are a deep red. I just need some opinions and co-planting facts.

Thanks for your input!




  1. Bulbs of all varieties work well as a under planting for roses,Starting with snowflakes,then snowdrops,followed by crocus,daffodils both miniature and large ending with tulips.

    It's good to leave all these to naturalize and increase year by year,plant carefully to avoid disturbance to the roots of the rose bushes.

    Polyanthus,gypsophillia and rock geranium are some times used,but require attention,which can be difficult around the thorns of roses.

  2. I like alyssum with roses.  It works as a mulch, suppressing weeds & maintaining moisture.  They reseed themselves & tolerate almost any variation of water, sun, food as roses.  Of  course, it's also pretty to look at and smells fantastsic.

  3. Why not put a trellis behind the roses so they can climb on it. That is if the are rambling one and just growing all over the place.

  4. A nice green ground cover will set off he rose blooms and soften the background at the same time.

    you have to be very careful what you plant near roses because they are susceptible to blights and molds

  5. They usually grow Nepeta (catmint) varieties under roses as it gives you blue flowers against the reds and yellows of roses.

    I didn't like the bareness of the bottom branches so I planted a low hedge (1 - 1 1/2ft high) - dwarf buxus.  It also gives you something evergreen to look at in winter.  

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