
What can you say about CANADA?

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gernerally speaking. your likes and dislikes about the country.




  1. My Honest opinion?  

    Myths about Canada you need to know about!

    1. Free health care.

    Canada's health care is not free. It is funded by a heavy tax

    regime that takes hard earned money from even the working poor. If

    you make $C20,000 a year. You will be taxed. Make more? Like $C75,000

    and up? Oh, you can bet you will get hit with taxes. In some

    provinces like Alberta, you also get the additional privilege of

    paying health care "premiums" on top of your taxes.

    The big hospital unions like the Registered Nurses and various

    so-called "para-professionals" have taken over the health care

    system and destroyed it. This is what happens when you create a

    a monopoly, and worse, a government owned monopoly.

    2. High standard of living

    Huh? Since when? This country has one of North America's biggest

    drug ghettos. It's called Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. Canadians

    have a lower per capita GDP than Americans. They also make less

    money than Americans, and ironically many other countries: Ireland,

    Germany, Switzerland to name just a few.

    3. Peaceful

    Nope! There are just as many acts of violent crime, drug gangs,

    domestic murders in Canada as in the U.S. It's just never adjusted

    for per capita, ie. the actual population of the two countries

    and the size of the cities in each country. Canada has serial

    killers, drug shootings, pollution, gang violence. How come we don't

    hear much about this in the world's media, the way the U.S.'s

    problems are constantly brought up?

    4. Strong economy

    No! Canadians just piggyback off the U.S. economy and they still

    can't manage to get their unemployment rate down to anywhere near

    to the U.S. rate, which was hovering in the low 5's most recently.

    Canada's rate has varied over the last decade or more from 11% to

    a low of about 7%. The country just sells off its raw natural

    resources rather than having a productive economy through

    strong innovation or research. Yet the Canucks complain about

    selling those resources to the U.S. Huh?

    5. Canadians are polite self effacing and humble

    Whoa! Canadians are anything but polite and "European" as they

    like to tell the world. Most Canadians I've met are ignorant,

    boorish, self absorbed anti-American bigots. Go to a Canadian

    workplace: see how they treat you, especially if you are a brown

    or black person.

    Go to a restaurant or a store. The tone is very cold and "British"

    in nature. Look at how they drive. I have driven in Britain, the

    U.S. (San Diego, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Seattle area).

    Nowhere have I seen such stupid backward drivers as I have seen

    in B.C. and Alberta.

    Basically Canada needs to have its huge pompous self absorbed ego

    deflated. Canadians are hypocrites and they love to be delusional,

    and self absorbed about how great they are. The U.S. incidentally is the

    country where a lot of Canadians, (about 250,000 at last count), go

    to live well, retire and of course, for employment. Hypocritical or



    nice people

    lots to do


    no racism


    easy to find a job

    four seasons


    Tim Hortons



    uh... dont raelly have any

    i love canada and i love being canadian!!





    Strong Economy



    Respected internationally

    ...many more

    EDIT:: Wow, universal healthcare didn't even occur to me - I guess I'm just so used to its effectiveness.


    Takes too long for simple things to get done. Ei, construction/infrastructure projects. Prime example includes extending rail/transit infrastructure in the GTA.

  4. LOOOOVE IT!!!!!

    i am very thankful that i am 100% canadian!!! i realy am thankful that my great-grandparents on both sides came to canada!!!!


    i live there

    second largest counrty woot woot

    peace keepers

    good governement

    wonderful veiws

    great national parks

    awesome lakes

    SASKATCHEWAN [ i live there]


    im allergic to the parires [where i live]

    the price of gas

    freakishly cold winters

    the fact that alaska is not near america its right next to yukon

    people think we are super annoying

    no offence but i dont like alberta

    [its the one tax thing]


  6. I love:

    Our people

    Our health care system

    The miles and miles of coastline

    Arctic tundra

    Our mountains

    Our diversity


    Tim Horton's coffee

    Our tolerance

    Canada's cleanliness

    The fact that we can live or work anywhere in the country and feel at home

    Terry Fox and his legacy

    Leonard Cohen

    The CBC

    Our connection to the queen

    Our colourful money

    The fact that we spell "colour" and not "color"

    Our loonies and twonies

    Our flag

    Oh Canada

    Rick Mercer, Mary Walsh, Gorden Pinsent, and all out other "recognizables"

    Wayne Gretzky

    Our gun control laws

    Our recycling programs

    The fact that we have real seasons

    Niagara Falls

    Many other things, and best of all ...

    A quiet foggy morning on the edge of the Atlantic

    What I don't like:

    Our winters

    Black flies in summer

  7. great people nice climate  medicare for all  little or no racism.  no dislikes  .

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