
What can you say about Responsible Parenthood?

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What is your point of view with regards to responsible parenthood. need answers ASAP!




  1. It includes, but is not limited to such things as:

    - Being in a loving, married, stable relationship.

    - Being old enough and mature enough to raise a baby.

    - Being financially capable of supporting a child, without government aid.

    -You have completed full time schooling to the extent that you can have a career.

    -You are willing to sacrifice lots of time and change life habits.

    - You have no chemical addictions

    - You will raise your child to know God (any religion, just have one)

    - You and your spouse share the responsibility.

    Just to name a few....

  2. Never heard of them, but I have heard of Planned Parenthood, that is just a nice name for abortionist.

    I wonder why Spell check was removed. I know many did not use it but I did.

  3. A responsible parent puts their child's needs before their own. They make sure they provide a stable home and family life for the child, and make sure the child is fed, clothed and has good overall hygiene. A responsible parent raises and looks after their own child, rather than expecting others to do it for them. They make sure they are financially stable and can afford a child and themselves. A responsible parent loves their child unconditionally and shows it to the greatest degree possible.

    And above all, a responsible parent does not coward out and hit their child as punishment. A responsible parent finds alternative disciplinary tactics, other than hitting a defenseless, innocent child.

  4. what is your question. what do you  mean

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