
What can you say about U.S. stock markets rates?

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right now? do you think that the u.s. is losing money? are the rates high or low and waht do you expect will happen in the future?




  1. I don't really understand your question, but if you are asking "Is the US government about to go bankrupt?" ... the answer is no.

    If we were about to go bankrupt, would we still be sending billions of dollars overseas to keep afloat foreign governments?  Would we still be sending billions of dollars out for foreign aid in developing nations?  Would the American people still be giving billions of dollars to the American Red Cross and other agencies to help people in crisis?  I don't think so ...

    The US has a very high capacity for financial foolishness ... that is true:  from our government to the regular guy on the street, we handle way too much debt.  But we are sort of ingrained to thinking that things will always improve ... that we can handle the down times and rise above adversities.  So sometimes we do dumb things.

    The future?  I hope we get smarter and learn from past mistakes ... just like individuals tend to do when they think to themselves, "Gads!  That didnt't work ... I'll try something different in the future!"  I think the American dollar will start to firm up making commodity prices around the world ease a bit.  That will help everyone.  I also think that the government will strengthen some financial lending rules or at least enforce the ones we have to ensure that we don't have a "credit bubble" again.  That has really hurt our economy, which runs on credit.  When no one can lend, things grind to a halt.

    I don't really know what will happen.  I just understand the intent of the USA, and what the ordinary American hopes for.  Perhaps this rambling answer helped ...

  2. I think they will be are high, but not necessary.  Give or take a few points...

  3. Yes.  Losing money big time.  See the national debt clock at

    Inflation will drive interest rates higher and higher.  The more debt they take on the harder it will be to pay off.  Soon other countries will stop lending money to foolish indulgent Americans.  Then what will they do?  First they will print money like in Zimbabwe.  Then the government will collapse.

  4. you mean the earning's yield?

    the us is losing money through devaluation of the dollar, but us residents also own foreign assets, so the rich will get richer

    i think interest rates will have to go up soon and stocks will fall further.

  5. what rates?  what the h**l are you talking about?

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