
What can you say about me?

by  |  earlier

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I can spell any word (as longer as possible) backwards within no time. I don't have to think what is (should be) the next previous word to spell.

Its not my good point but whenever someone asks me about a spelling, I mistakenly spell backwards. For example once my brother asked me "What is the spelling of Nostradamus?" I answered "Sumadartson" instead of the correct.

What can you say about me? Am I going some imbalance?




  1. hmmm, that's very unique - perhaps you just have an unfamiliar disorder that makes you automatically think backwards when you're spelling. Anyways, that's pretty cool

  2. Savant syndrome! ;)   (j/k)  Any other personality quirks?  How're your social skills?

    If you're aware of it, you should be able to go about your normal life and use it for a cheezy party trick.  Maybe you could even make it onto the Dave Letterman Show.

  3. you should really do some iq tests. plenty have word questions, i bet you'd do great. try for mensa. :)

  4. Maybe the part where the word ends is the freshest part in your mind?

    and you're going from  the most familiar -> least familiar?

    You are very unique by the way.

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