
What can you say about my Sun in gemini, Scorpio Ascendant and Moon in Sagittarius?

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What can you say about my Sun in gemini, Scorpio Ascendant and Moon in Sagittarius?




  1. If you were to think of your Sun sign as your soul -- your inner personality and potential -- and your Moon sign as your heart -- your emotional core -- then you could say that your Rising sign is your physical self or the face mask you present to the world.

    Sun (to integrate) in Gemini (Versatile and Variable).

    You are a thinker rather than a doer (air). You are able to turn your hand to new things easily (versatile). You are a good communicator, but might tend to jump from one subject to another (variable, mutable). You can, however, be logical rather than emotional (air). You may tend to make many short journeys. You may be a good speaker, and witty (air), You may be a different person for different people, changing your communication to fit the other person (Twins).

    Rising Sign is Scorpio (Intense and Secretive)

    Don't be hurt if people keep their distance. It's not out of disgust, but out of reverent intimidation. You seem so intense -- it could be your penetrating gaze or the way you seductively lean against the wall -- whether you mean to or not! You're dynamically alluring, and people are inexplicably drawn to you. All this perceived sexiness is fun, but there's a downside to looking like a Scorpio -- you may seem moody and even a little dangerous. Enjoy the mystery factor -- it can be fun to be an enigma!

    Moon (to react to) in Sagittarius (Free and Tolerant)

    To feel good about yourself, you may need to travel in search of freedom and to show tolerance. You are versatile and adaptable with emotional expression (mutable) and you follow your own feelings (active). You may lose your temper (fire) and express unexpected, by others, emotions. This may not be consistent with your public orientation.

    Love & Blessings


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