
What can you say about sexual harassment?

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it is said to be a global problem because WORK had become a problem to victims especially women.

"few cases ever find their way into a courtroom. Most victims suffer their humiliation in silence—pawns in an ugly game of power and intimidation that is played out in offices, on streets, in buses, at lunch counters, and in factories. At times, there is outright coercion to have intimate relations. Most of the time, though, the molestation consists of subtler, yet shamelessly offensive, acts: unwelcome or inappropriate touches, lewd remarks, lascivious stares."

"Companies that tolerate sexual harassment may suffer low employee morale, higher absenteeism, lower productivity, and high employee turnover—not to mention financial disaster if victims decide to sue."




  1. bad bad bad

  2. I have taken tons of classes on sexual harassment two times a year for the last 12yrs But I still don't know how to do it right. (They Just Keep Give me this class) Would a back rub be out of the question?

  3. Yes Women should stop sexually harassing and sexually exploiting men by enticing them or by provoking them.

  4. its wrong but it could be could be fat and ugly.

  5. ...... that it is wrong and that people dont notice there doing it alot. but i think it makes people scared and sad. ive neer experinced it but im a girly girl with a sassy rough attitude towards guys and i have fraternal twin so they know to back off( which kinda stinks in some cases)! lol

    xoxoxo maya ♥

  6. That it is there for beauty against ugly mostly or for the manipulation of people.

  7. the feminist way of earning money?

  8. After reading all of your posts, I can say that sexual harrassment is something that most people don't take seriously.  Most people seriously believe that it "never happens".   Or that it is somehow "enjoyed" by the victims.  I don't really get that.  I suppose it may be because they've never been thru it.  They don't know what happens to people who go thru this at work.  They're in denial of the level of "manipulation skills" that some of these men/women have.  I guess if you've never been there, you would think it's funny.  But it is very serious.

  9. That it isn't just women who suffer from it, so women need to stop acting as if it is and using it to show how unequally they're treated.

  10. Your Question immediately equates Women with Victimhood. I thought Feminists were empowered? If you are in the US. You can go to HR or file an action. I have worked at companies where the Men were so intimidated by the Sexual Harassment Policy they would not even speak to the Women if they could avoid it. It had a chilling effect on the operations of the Business.

    Men who had a complaint were instantly fired with no appeal process. I left as it was a hostile environment toward Men. It was absurd. In speaking to the older Women, they said that the Younger Women collected money when they filed a complaint. That was the clue that the mechanism intended to protect the rights of the Women, became a Weapon to abuse the Males in the company.

    I worked at a company where a g*y Man sexually harassed Straight and g*y Males. He was very graphic verbally about what he wanted to do to them. He was finally fired. There were a large number of g*y Males in this business. Designers and Artists. It was actually a fun place to work. But the harassment issue made it unpleasant.

    Men are sexually harassed today as well as Women. Find out your rights and get a Lawyer if you must.

  11. I can't say really , cause no one wants to harass me.

    I think that maybe I lost my s*x appeal some years back.

    Sort of depressing when you think about it !

    I'd give anything if some body would grab my a$$ .

  12. It happens to both genders.

  13. makes sexual harassment panda a sad panda...

  14. I can say more.  But you seem to have covered everything.

  15. i've seen it on more than 1 occasion and i don't understand how people display sexual acts to other people, in front of other people, basically in public view. an added negative is that some men or women( i've seen it from both, though it is more common in men ) are married or in a relationship and its as though a comment or touch or 2 is perfectly fine as long as you don't go too far or get caught. its just one of the many sick problems some people have that gives some people one more thing to overcome.

  16. Why hasn't the US Government adopted a universal s*x harassment (s*x discrimination) policy? Every time it comes up before the Congress, the Senators vote it down.

    What can I say:

    "It's not right, It's unfair, it works both ways for men and women, and it costs major companies millions of dollars in lawsuits."

  17. what would you like me to say about it? That it sucks?

  18. ...lawsuit?

  19. not worth it

  20. I can say this well meaning issue seems to be eluded in justice when I think about how many cases of serious, damaging sexual harassment are ignored and belittled due to the people in the environments, power differentials and statuses, while some of the most innocent and minor actions of some are taken so seriously the person is put in prison.. maybe this person did not even realize he was offending. I would imagine the latter scenario more often with high end socialites, and meaner people of majorly older generations

  21. "That sucks".

  22. There are plenty of false accusations related to sexual harassment - some women have a strange fantasy.

    I recommend any man to stay away from personal contacts in the company. It is just too risky. You never know how the female co-worker will react.

  23. I work in construction and deal with comments from men everyday.  I don't look at it as "sexual harrassment", I just shrug it off as ignorance.   If I am having a bad day I might get angry but I can handle myself and don't need to run to my union everytime I get a sexual or sexist comment.

  24. She sould STOP IT, i don't like it!!!

  25. I can say that you look good in that dress.

  26. from you? yes please : )

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