
What can you say about the closing ceremony of BEIJING OLYMPICS?

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What can you say about the closing ceremony of BEIJING OLYMPICS?




  1. Though the whole event pales in comparison to the spectacular opening ceremony two weeks ago, it was still dazzling, with an array of some 7,000 participants dancing, singing, jumping and performing various feats to the delight of the capacity crowd.

  2. It was truely amazing. I think no other country can ever top Beijing opening and closing cermony. I'm real sad its over already

  3. Closing Ceremony Of The XXIX Olympiad Beijing Games 2008

    It was really awsome... and sad.... i am really sad it is over... and the fireworks were awsome

  4. Just like another other closing ceremony to me and not a bit as vibrant as the opening, but this is the case probably because the opening is so dam good. And there’s usually a limit to how much they can do for the closing since they have to make time for doing the ceremony and flag handoff to the next host. But still a good closing just like any other. All I know is the London performance was lame. I thought they could do more for a welcoming preview performance.  

  5. The closing ceremony was good as the opening. The colors, the dancing, the technology that went into it all. Good for the can any country top that? ...Shame that it ended with a dud. Loved the red London bus..thought it was gonna turn into a transformer and fly away with the torch. Instead we got a very haggard looking Jimmy Page and a "half time show" type ending. Cheezy...and why was David Beckham there?

      China raised the bar dramatically....London "phoned it in" last night.  

  6. i liked the part when they rasied those sheets from that tower and had the beijing olympic symbol,and those bikes that they rode were pretty cool, london preview was alright and i didnt get to see the opening but i heard lots of good things and bad things about it

  7. its nice

    though i cant understand the performers from london, what are they doing anyway????

    but i prefer the opening ceremony

  8. Two things....

    With all the ad nauseum coverage of diving (*snore*) it couldn't come soon enough. That ruined NBC's coverage if you ask me.  Networks used to show more events and not play so many d**n commercials.

    I wish I owned the company that supplied all the batteries to the costumes.

  9. It good because of London bus and several people doing their business in the city was a bit corny. And Beckham's kick was pretty lame. But I'm sure that Japanese is happy...wait I just heard that he's going to sell at ebay.

    Leona Lewis: please don't sing a rock tune. Stick with Bleeding Hearts. Worst rendition ever. I would love a singer with talent like Mick Jagger or someone more famous and a huge icon for England.

    Jackie Chan was hilarious. I had a good laugh as well as Beijing mayor and London mayor as they couldn't wave a flag. Haha. London mayor was definitely drunk that night.

    The presentation of Zhang Zhimou is just spectacular and unbelievable feat that will never be matched.

    My hats off to the Chinese people who made the Olympics a joy and I'm sure most of the athletes is having a wonderful time there and coming home to their family with wonderful stories to tell about their experience in China.

    Buddha bless China!  

  10. 2008 olympics closing ceremony wallappers from beijing china

    2008 olympics closing ceremony wallappers from beijing china

  11. amazing but not as spectacular as the opening one

  12. I really liked what they did with the silver backs and red fronts on the tower. Making the rose was so beautiful, and then making the Beijing Olympics logo was quite a SURPRISE! It was so well done!

  13. The opening was better because they had months and months with an empty arena... the closing ceremony they didnt have as much time ,b/c the last even just finished a few hours before, to be as creative.  But that tower bit was very nice..

  14. the closing ceremony was alright..the opening ceremony was better tho

  15. Upon seeing the opening ceremony, I would say that the closing ceremony was predictable. The performers were great though. I saw the hard work and cooperation of the Chinese. But, what ruined everything was the performance from England. It was so FAR OFF. Couldn't they do anything else? All they did is grab Leona Lewis, David Beckham and the one from Led Zepplin.

  16. I think they did an excellent job in the opening. Comparing to the opening, the closing was well under par. However, it was still a great show performed by the Chinese.  

  17. i'm quite disappointed because i expected much more from it. nevertheless, it's good.

    i liked the opening ceremony more, although there had been unglamorous news regarding the opening ceremony

  18. The British act was rubbish. Can't they think of something more interesting and original rather than always relying on celebrities and rock music? The bus was quite cool(but that was before it transformed). And the London mayor was really quite an embarrassment.

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