
What can you say about the concept of space and time??

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please answer, I'm really in need of your opinions.. please.. Thank you and Godbless.. =j




  1. As you might know,

    our universe i.e. space is continuously expanding

    time on the other hand is directly proportional to this expansion

    as the  universe expands time passes on

    that is why we remember the past and not the future

  2. This is my opinion, many would disagree. Space is relative as it has been proven to consistently change. Then again, one might look at that from a different angle (as a whole) and say space is absolute because it is eternal. Time, in my opinion, is absolute. I truly believe time cannot be altered. Everything exists right now, and nothing can change that. There is no time because once you do something, it's gone. You can't go back and do it again.

  3. First promise me that you'll mark my answer as the best.

    Space-time is a thing that can't be understood by saying that time is a fourth dimension just like the three spatial dimensions.

    To understand it let me ask you...

    Can you go forward and backward?

    Can you go towards left and towards right?

    Can you go Upwards and Downwards?

    These are three spatial dimensions.

    Similarly you go towards effect starting from cause.

    This is the direction of time. From cause to effect. From Birth to Death and you make a journey in this direction.

    So if you have a room and you are being asked to cover all its four dimensions, first you travel the three spatial dimensions and then stand at a place in the room and

    wait and wait and wait and wait....

    you are travelling the four dimensions.

    This is how the space and the time is related to each other. Both space and time have directions.

    You got it?

  4. Time is relevant. this ais a very confusing concept that really only Einstein fully grasped. However, I have come to realize that time is infact relevant of space. I learned tons from and a book called "Many Worlds in One" by Alex VIleknin. Space time is a very complicated area of science but basically, the universe has four dimensions, three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. Time is relevant to space which means they are kind of linked. If space if changed, time is changed. This is kind of a very very basic overview, but if you want to learn more, then study Einsteins theory of relativity (both of them, special and general). It is very complicated but check out that website,

  5. Space and Time are really two sides of the same coin.  They are relative to each other.  

    Objects move through space, but they also move through time.  Newton thought that these two types of motion were seperate, but Einstein found that they are linked together.  

    If an object is stationary then it is not moving through space, hence all of it's motion is through time.  Once it starts moving, some of it's motion is diverted into moving through space, hence less of it's motion is moving through time.  

    So, time MOVES SLOWER the faster you travel through space.  

    This is special relativity.  

    On our human scale, most of this is too small to notice.  If you're standing on the side of the road, and one of your friends drives by in a car, time is moving slower for your friend driving the car than it is for you.  The faster your friend drives the car, the slower his time will move.  But neither you nor your friend would notice this difference.  

    Now, here's the fun part ... you might wonder if there's some sort of upper limit, or some sort of constant, to all of this.  Well yes, there is.  

    The Speed of Light.  

    It's the universal speed limit.  Any object's combined motion through space AND time always equals the speed of light.  

    So, if you were traveling at the speed of light, time would stand still for you.

  6. This just in: Space, time and matter prove the possibility of a trinitarian Greek-inspired God!

  7. they do not exist independently of the mind(outside it), they're measurements created by humans for a better control of life, science, art, history etc.They are just bounds.


    it's a whole lot to read and understand.Practically pick which philosophy you like

    here's one:why do we go forward in time but not back as well?

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