
What can you say about the teacher's tone of voice during the lessons with young children..?

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what techniques can be used related to tone of voice to make the lessons more entertaining??

Thnak you!




  1. Remember this:  if you want them to listen, you lower your voice, because they look at you funny, and have to strain to hear your little voice! It works, better than the old school, turning off the lights to quiet a room.  If you are a screaming banshee like me, I have a "big boom" voice, use an "inside voice." Be aware that many students with special needs, might become uneasy or easily excited when you accelerate or do frequent tonal changes, because it's different.  However, if it's for a song, play, or story with young children, they adore the change. Throw in some popsicle or finger puppets for the characters as you read, and let them act. It keeps them busy,and giggly, while they learn. Have fun!

  2. being a student, you often get annoying teachers that patronise you and try to be funny..

    just be how you are with your friends.. then there is no need to worry :)  just get serious when theyve done something wrong :)

  3. Some people have a naturally loud voice even though there may not be any anger attached to it, it can terrify young children. I have often taught with teachers who I could hear all the way down the hall and thought how terrifying it would be to be in their class. To remind myself of my voice, I would write something on the board like tone or something so that when I am teaching it would remind me to watch my voice.

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