
What can you say about this feminized PC gem.?

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  1. Now feminism is being blamed for birthday parties.    GEESH.  Wheres the logic?

  2. "The school, in Lund, southern Sweden, argues that if invitations are handed out on school premises then it must ensure there is no discrimination.

    The boy's father has lodged a complaint with the parliamentary ombudsman.

    He says the two children were left out because one did not invite his son to his own party and he had fallen out with the other one. "

    This is about a man who is mad because his son didn't get invited to a birthday party.  

    How does this have anything to do with political correctness, feminism or gender and women's studies?

  3. It never ceases to amaze and amuse m how I see postd here, dozens of times a day, that WOMEN are incapabl of reason, thn see dozens more bat-sh*t crazy posts by men.

    Can none of you READ?

    If you go through life blaming everything you don't like to humans who understand that women are human beings (which everyon with more than one functioning brain cell can grasp), then of cours, you're going to see all ills as causd by fminism, bcaus you've defined all ills as caused by feminism.

    If you had any capacity to grasp reality, you wouldn't blame people who understand that women are human beings for everything you don't like.

  4. Oh, I get it...all bad things you don't like are "feminized."

    Can I "masculinze" things I hate?

    I have "masculinized" mold growing on my shower curtain!

    The neighbor's dog just came into my yard and "masculinized" a rose bush.

    The river in the U.S. Midwest is overflowing its banks in a very "masculinized" way!


    Edit: Tsk, tsk. A "masculinist" who does not "know" where shower curtain mold originates. I mean...everybody KNOWS it's true.

  5. There's another downside of living in Sweden. In my elementary school, we would have been upset if we didn't get invited to a birthday party, but we never got the law involved.

  6. Tracey must be PMSing.

  7. Here's another gem from politically-correct Sweden:-

    All urinals are to be removed from schools because boys are not to be allowed to do anything that a girl cannot do.

    I would suggest that all polcorists be rounded up and placed in a large cage and forced to listen to each other's psycho-babble for 40 days and 40 nights. A sort of kill or cure treatment.

  8. I think it's absurd. Please explain how this is 'feminized'.

  9. Feminized? It's the BOYS FATHER that mde the ridiculous complaint...haha nice try

  10. Tracy: I think this is another case of masculinized illiteracy. It seems to run rampant here.

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