
What can you see when you look out of your window?

by  |  earlier

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Have a look right now.... What's there?

I see a parked car, a wall, a lamp post and someone walking their dog............




  1. houses





    blue sky

    birds flying

    people walking on the pavement


  2. Left - building

    Right - building

    Forward - building site

    Yes I am work right now.

  3. 9 cars, 2 vans, 2 children male one on bike, several houses and a conservatory, blue sky and a setting sun, road way and grass area with 4 trees and a background tree canopy in the distance. 2 telegraph poles and 1 street lamp post, a flying bird and numerous tv aerials.

  4. I see cars going by. I see that its snowing a little bit. I see a fire hydrant and the neighbors flag.

  5. Car, car, car, van, van, car, trees, grass and birds :).

    Next door are having some work done to their house so it's like a car park out there.

  6. 2 storage buildings, a fence,my dog and a lot of grass that I'll have to cut come spring

  7. the prison exercise yard,,,:(

  8. Next door humping his Mrs on the kitchen table

  9. My wife, she has just cleaned the car, swept the drive, got all the leaves of the lawn ready for mowing, and I am shouting for her to come and get the dinner on.

    Only kidding.

  10. That b@stard next door, he's just climbed out of my wife's bedroom window, and making his way over the fence, carrying his trousers. I wonder what he's been doing? maybe the wife's teaching him some D.I.Y.

  11. I see a large garden, bird feeders hanging on a pole. And a huge conifer hedge.

  12. Trees.

  13. La Mesa, out of the front and the Pacific out the back, Im in Baja Mexico.But im a long way from home...SOB

  14. The forest I live behind and the sun shining all on the snow. Hopefully that will melt it..

  15. I can see my back garden, the rabbits nibbling the grass, my shed and the fence :-)

  16. Raining out today, and unusually warm for my area, in the mid 50's... Mud puddles, squirrels eating oilers out of their feeder, birds eating seed out of their feeder, would think they would be holing up today as wet as it is...

  17. the side of my neighbors house

  18. Bully for ya dude, all i can see is a load of cra#, need i say more?.....

  19. Oh hello hello.

    I say, I'm looking as hard as I can but I can't see a thing,

    maybe it's because I'm in my tent,

    which is completely windowless, ahah ha ha.

  20. I see my small garden full of flowering Snowdrops and Crocus and the first daffodils and behind it a line of trees including 3 splendid old Yews; I see Magpies and Blackbirds, and our resident Robin and my neighbour's odd looking long haired cat lurking in the undergrowth, waiting to pounce on an old, sick or weak bird. I see the backs of numerous surrounding houses and their little back gardens, stretching almost to infinity and I see the deep blue sky of this bright February day.....

  21. i see dead ppl!!

  22. grass, trees horses sheep

    oops! i forgot to mention the wild life too

    (a couple at it in their car)

  23. I see my next door neighbour digging a big hole in the garden.

  24. I can see beautiful hillls because I live out in the country in scenic Scotland, although the weather could be better, but then we can't have it all can we?

  25. carsss...houses....lamp post.....basically my **** life.

  26. cars, houses ,people ,dog poo,a school, trees ,road ,path ,for sale singns ,shop blue sky and the SUN

  27. It's curtains...curtains I say!

  28. Trees, 3 parked cars one is black 2 gray buildings around. the sun light .

  29. the sky its beautiully cold out there

  30. the sexiest car iv eva seen

  31. A garden, some cars, some lampposts, some houses, the two local secondary schools, a man with a dog and the local park.

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