
What can you suggest that will push me to be strong in niqab?

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Asalam aleikum,

I have been wearing hijab since I was 13 (I am now 22) alhamdulillah. I am now convinced that it is a requirement for muslim women to wear niqab, from the phrase in the Quran where it tells the believing women to bring down their "khumoorihinna" which means their head coverings, over their "djuyoobihinna" which, although most say relates to the area between a lady's neck and her chest, I think includes the face, as scientifically speaking that Arabic term means the sinuses of the face, and the Quran is renowned for it's miracles of science and is good for all times, so it's meanings are good for all times..The thing is, I find I feel a little intimidated at the thought of wearing it.I live in a Western Country at the moment and usually have to go out every day grocery shopping and the like, and I feel it would draw very negative attention, especially while I am walking alone (my husband and I are currently waiting on my fiance visa, so we are not living together at the moment)...I know I should not let negative attention or comments stand in the way of me doing a thing for the sake of Allah, so please tell me what you think I could think of (in terms of Quranic verses,ahadeeth, dua'a, etc) while walking in my niqab to empower me and help me be strong in it :-) May Allah reward us all who struggle to gain his approval by following the path of Iman, ameen.




  1. You should only show one eye and eveything else by coverd .Basically it is best if you look like a pile of laundery


    O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e.screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allâh is Ever Oft­Forgiving, Most Merciful

  2. Plenty of exercise per day will make you strong !i

  3. Maybe you would like to see some photography which celebrates niqab.

    I am not a wearer of the niqab but when you wanted to feel strong I interpreted this as empowerment. I am sure this artists work will be interesting for you.

    Link :

    Link :

  4. not sure what you're asking really, but if you want to wear it then wear it. don't listen to what others say.

    Even though i personally don't agree with Hijab cause i see no point in it. there is no good reason why a woman should cover her hair or face. a lot of muslim women wear the hijab cause they want to respect themselves or something (as some have told me) but i find it that i have less respect for them and their husbands, fathers, brothers, as human beings.

    But in the end it's your choice, you want to wear it, i don't care, it's your life. Wear the hijab in anyway you want. if people give you problems don't listen to them. you believe you have to do it, so just do it.


  5. Walykum Assalaam

    There are two opinions of the Niqaab, one is that it is compulsory and the Ulemaa who held this view use proofs and those who say it's not compulsory but a good act also have their proofs. It is a legitimate difference of opinion so there's nothing wrong with the women covering their faces. What is required is the minimum Hijaab and that's to cover the entire body excluding the hands and the face. This includes Hijaab in their behaviour and also that they're figure doesn't show and they don't wear bright colours that attract the attention

    For me the verse was enough :) also I read into detail about it I personally believe:

    *Hijab is a screen of privacy → Niqab is a better screen

    *Hijab helps develop taqwa → Niqab helps develop more taqwa

    *Hijab is a jihad that purifies the soul → Niqab is a greater jihad

    *Hijab is a protection for sisters → Niqab is a better protection

    *Hijab is an assertion of Islamic identity → Niqab is a stronger assertion

    LOL and it does not alienate me! I am a confident woman with my own opinions and socially accepted! Like WOW lol

  6. It is only required to cover your hair, this law comes from the Torah/Old Testament and is still practised by Orthodox Jews and Christian Nuns. Covering the face is not required and has questionable origins. Today it seems many young girls are wearing niqab as an militant act of defiance. This is entirely wrong. Faith should be peaceful and tollerant and outside of countries where the niqab is traditional people find it intimidating and alienating.

  7. Niqab is not required.

  8. If niqab was a requirement then most Muslim women would wear it, but they don't. Quran does not tell you to cover your face. You should live for yourself and do what you want, but why go to the extreme of covering your entire body when you don't have to? You are a good Muslim, you don't need to wear niqab- It won't change who you are, and like you say- It will only bring you negative attention and comments. Hijab doesn't bring you unwanted attention, just wear your hijab and be happy.

  9. sorry niqab is not required.

    so i cannot suggest anything.

    you think jouyoubihinna includes the face? good for you. but scholars both religious and linguistics disagree.

    so its not really up to you or to me to interpret arabic words as we please.

    because if we start doing that, some will come and claim juyoubihinna doesnt include the hair !


    @*Ninja & Ducky*

    i think you need glasses. she said clearly : "I am now convinced that it is a requirement for muslim women to wear niqab" ... so what are you talking about?

  10. Allah didn't say to cover your face so  u wouldn't be doing i for the sake of Allah at all.  You are not required to cover your face so dont force yourself to do it cuz u wont be pleasing anyone.

  11. Perhaps this?

    'A'isha radi Allah anha used to say: "When (the Verse): 'They should draw their veils over their necks and bosoms', was revealed, (the ladies) cut their waist sheets at the edges and covered their faces with the cut pieces."(Hadith-Shahi Bukhari 6:282)

    And this?

    It's one of my favourites!

  12. wa salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatu Allaah sister,

    First, ameen.

    Second, Masha Allaah, i am wearing also niqaab (with thought of waajib) aswell some other lovely sisters do on Y!A and we are all have our moments of weakness. So i am glad insha Allaah to help you in this way.  

    Third, Are you member of Yahoo Groups Wajib Niqabi? I am insha Allaah also member, (You can write my name down (Sarah Alholandia), that the moderator, knows that i directed you to the group, since the group is stricted for sisters only.) Insha Allaah you can post there also you message and other sisters in the same situation can apply to you also with their thoughts... See link below.

    Four, my way of staying strong is only understandment of knowlegde...

    It was narrated that Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: ‘Going out and coming back for the sake of Allaah is better than this world and all that is in it. And a spot the size of the bow of one of you in Paradise – or a spot the size of his whip – is better than this world and all that is in it. If a woman from among the people of Paradise were to look at the people of this earth, she would light up all that is in between them and fill it with fragrance. The veil on her head is better than this world and all that is in it.’” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 2587)

    If she were to show her face, it would shine between heaven and earth; how beautiful is the light of her face and how beautiful the scent that is filling the space between heaven and earth. As for her garments, the scarf that she places on her head is better than the beauty of this world and all that is in it of delights and pleasure and natural beauty and splendid palaces and other kinds of luxuries. Glory be to their Creator, how great He is, and congratulations to the one for whom she is and he is for her.

    five: Stay strong remember that you don't need this world and the people in it. Only Allaah as your Khafiel.

  13. salamalikom

    sister i am going through the same thing. i converted to islam 2 years ago. i am turning 22 tomorrow. ! i have been struggling with the idea of niqab for a few months now. i guess you can say it is eating at me. i just feel the urge to begin wearing it for some strange reason. i have consulted friends, books, etc. and i feel i really wwant to do it but i am afraid to try it. i just keep pushing myself "maybe today ill try it " when that day gets here i back out., i am in boston and here there are alot of converts and i see sooooo many american niqabbis now. so many. i think more and more everyday are beginning to wear it. which also makes me want to wear it more, because if they can do it so can i we all grew up here we all experienced life as a nonmuslim and want nothing to do with it. i think thaats why my husband said converts seem to try so hard to be straight in islam. you see them change everything about themselves to look and act and be a muslim, but someone born muslim doesnt seem to have that sort of umph! anymore. they all want to go the opposite way because they never experienced western style living. i feel you should definitly pursue your interests, read as much as you can. study the wives of the prophet . i am doing the same. i really want to wear it but at the same time i have no courage. i just need to be pushed out the door of my house wearing it. but atleast when i do try it inshallah noone will be able to see i am afraid because my veil will cover it. hahaha.

    please contact me and maybe we can go through this together and push and support eachother in this big decision. salamalikom

  14. ru 3 real?..y not just stay @ home and do not engage any civilised western people at all. I would not serve u in a bank, or shop or attend u in a doctor's/MP's surgery,and indeed call security 4u2b removed or deniquabed!. It's not just a case of dressing like a neo punk or goth (as freedom of fashion)..The burqua/niquab carries resonances of terrorism and atrocity from islamic fundamentalism and is culturally and politically unacceptable in the tolerant liberal democracy of the west. Suggest u join ur hubby rather than vice versa..u r not welcum here. 55M Britons will testify 2 that!

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