Asalam aleikum,
I have been wearing hijab since I was 13 (I am now 22) alhamdulillah. I am now convinced that it is a requirement for muslim women to wear niqab, from the phrase in the Quran where it tells the believing women to bring down their "khumoorihinna" which means their head coverings, over their "djuyoobihinna" which, although most say relates to the area between a lady's neck and her chest, I think includes the face, as scientifically speaking that Arabic term means the sinuses of the face, and the Quran is renowned for it's miracles of science and is good for all times, so it's meanings are good for all times..The thing is, I find I feel a little intimidated at the thought of wearing it.I live in a Western Country at the moment and usually have to go out every day grocery shopping and the like, and I feel it would draw very negative attention, especially while I am walking alone (my husband and I are currently waiting on my fiance visa, so we are not living together at the moment)...I know I should not let negative attention or comments stand in the way of me doing a thing for the sake of Allah, so please tell me what you think I could think of (in terms of Quranic verses,ahadeeth, dua'a, etc) while walking in my niqab to empower me and help me be strong in it :-) May Allah reward us all who struggle to gain his approval by following the path of Iman, ameen.