
What can you tell, show me about the new US embassy in Iraq?

by  |  earlier

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Well, isn't much of a help folks. I guess nobody knows much of what's going on.





  2. Cindy McCain just bought it, but John isnt allowed to live there.  

  3. Well, what do you want to know?

  4. Of course you got to take some of these blog-site posts with a grain of salt, but I'm sure he's not too far off the truth...In the link below this guy(the blogger in my source-refrences; see below) claims that The American-Embassy in Iraq scheduled to open next month in September is projected to have cost $592 million dollars...

    Which I guess would be chump-change compared to our national-debt..but couldn't of those millions upon millions been spent better on humanitarian efforts...if Iraq is anything like other 3rd world countries and people are learning to survive on less then 5 dollars a day... wouldn't 592 million feed at least 20 generations of a population of a million or so??

    The guy has several good points.. but the other one that stands out is that it's going to add more negative-stigma to Americans while U.S citizens get to live in Posh-5-Star-Hotel-Rooms the locals get to scrap for cardboard in the shade of a building if their lucky...

    You know being at or below the U.S. standard for the poverty line myself...its insane to find out that agencies that receive grants and other monies to help pay for expenses actually get punished for using those monies efficiently and have some left over.. basicly if they don't use it all..they won't get any of it next year..

    If this "disciplined spending" is enforced here in the states... can we really be surprized at our spending elsewhere???

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