
What can you tell a smart person who feels like everyone hates him for it? Please help. ?

by Guest33819  |  earlier

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Okay so my freind, he was just kinda a friend, nothing more nothing less. Barely a friend, like i used to talk and hang with him, but i never really thought of us as bestfriends.

But then the other day, he asks me a question. He asks if hes likeable.

I was like omg is he gona ask me out?? becuz i really didnt want to go out with him so i was getting already to reject.. but then he explained.

He said that he feels like people hate him becuase hes too smart.

He is. he is so frekain smart. everyone alwasys tries to cheat off him, and whenever he answers a question right in class people glare at him and whisper mean things. hes over heard people a time or two, and it hurts him. So the other day he totally opened up to me and i felt so bad. i was trying to think of things to say to help him feel better, and i did my best. But can you help me with some encouraging things to say? i dont want him to feel like he has to do bad in school just so people will like him.

Plus. now hes my best guy friend. Can you help?? please? Thanks.




  1. I would say "be yourself & be proud of it". As lame as it might sounds, it works.

    He should be thankful for having such a brain. And, smart people don't need to feel if he's hateable/likable.Smart people can survive...

    You really should keep him as your bestfriend. He sounds like someone really cool on the inside to me.

  2. Being smart is God's gift. He should be proud of himself and turn a blind eye to all the people who says mean things. They are just envious & probably have an iq of 10.

    Just tell him to smile more & talk more about everyday things. A lot of smart people tends to talk about school subjects but knows next to nothing about everyday life topics. These things tends to discourage people from getting to know the real person.

    If he is already doing that, then the rest of them are just jerks that ought to be ignored. He don't lose anything there but instead gain by not getting mixed up with those kinds.

    Ask him to surf some jokes sites & tell a joke once a while. That should lighten up the place & people will feel less intimidated by his intellectual capabilities.

    You are a good friend. Keep encouraging him.

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