
What can you tell me about being a pre school teacher? Ex. people only!?

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  1. It is the most stress free of the jobs I have ever had. It is fun and fulfilling.

  2. What can I tell you about being a pre school teacher???

    It is one of THE MOST REWARDING things you could ever do with your life!!!  

    It is a profession...

    (meaning that you have to learn certain skills and knowledge and normally meet certain criteria)  BUT>>>>


    (meaning  you DON"T get in it for the money or benefits!!!)

    You MUST have a love for children ...and the gift of  "thinking"  "acting" and  "playing" as a child... along WITH the knowledge,  nurturing care , gentleness  and guidance  of a  mother's love!

    You will  become one of THE MOST  influential people in those little people's you must (almost!) reverence your position and authority.

    You will be forming the very foundation that EVERY teacher after you will be building you have the opportunity to instill the basics... the "desire"  and the "love" of learning...and the "quest" for knowledge!!!

    Again... I will say: You will have one of the richest, fulfilling, time consuming , wonderful careers...

    IF you choose to be a pre school teacher!!!

    p.s. AND>>> If you are REALLY will have a "lifetime treasure chest"  filled with wonderful, loving memories of all those lives you have touched.... and the knowledge that THEY too, have past on some of the life lessons you taught their children!!!

    Mrs. Brenda Irons...(now retired) former 3, 4, and 5 year old kindergarten teacher from Vicksburg, Ms.

  3. It is extremely gratifying to make a difference in families lives! You won't get rich monetarily, but the rewards are priceless. It can be tiring, both physically and emotionally, but I wouldn't do anything else.

  4. all of the previous people are almost right....but there are some things that have been missed, the job is the most rewarding and most stressful in the market,

    adults need to know that children are not just little adults but are people too the need to be respected and allowed to make decisions about what they need and like......they can and will make them on their own if allowed to .....people need to know that children are like budding flowers and need to be nurtured and not snuffed out,

    being a preschool teacher is probably the best job in the world cause you get to play and learn at the same time help others learn to play and learn too.....

  5. I taught Head Start for a year and then a summer Head Start program for disabled kids. I also worked at a daycare for a year while in college. Now I teach Jr. High handicapped kids. The one quality you HAVE to have when working with little kids is patience and a lot of humor. If you can't laugh at and tolerate annoying behavior, don't do it. You may be the only responsible adult in their lives and they may not have any real social skills. You have to teach them that their actions have consequences and that they affect other people. Just show them you care and will love them unconditionally, be firm and give them structure and rules. Many young kids today don't get that at home.  Also, use your imagination. keep them interested and invent lessons where they think they are playing a game. Use TONS of art and music to teach. Hope this helped some

  6. I work at a daycare/Preschool setting and the first thing that you need to go if you are looking for a job is go to your local Job and Family Services and get an application. What you will need when you get there is 3 references, TB shot, at least 2 year or higher College diploma (4 years if you want to be an actual teacher), Background Check, Lots of experiences in the Early Childhood field ( Babysitting don't count in most areas)

    You could also go to your local Elementary school and ask for an application. But if you want to become a teacher's aid or subsitute teacher you need to head over to your local Job and Family Services so you can go all around the county so you can work almost everyday.

    After you get all that stuff done, Mostly all you need is your smarts ( what you learned from College), Patience and a good working attitude toward the kids and staff.

    Children really like to know that they are cared for and are respected. Get down to their level and try not to quiz them. The first mistake that interns do is ask them loads of questions. Just point out what they are doing, get down to their level and get involved with them, play house, puzzles anything to get them involved more. The more you respect them/play with them the more they will feel cared for and want to be in school.

    Don't forget that you will need to plan activites and such everyday for them to do.. Lesson plans are mostly done weekly or monthly so they can be a routine. Routine is also important when working with Preschool aged children. They like consistency. usually Preschools have posted schedules for everyday on the wall.

    This is only a preview of what it's like in a preschool.. but you have to be there to get the real deal. Good luck and I think it's wonderful that you are interested in Preschool Educaton! It's very rewarding.. trust me!

  7. i;ve been doing it for almost 10 years.  you need to, first, love and respect children.  You need to be able to 'play'.  Many adults do not know how to play and they should not be in a preschool.  You also must be able to structure a day and use the structure.  You must keep kids interested and structured activities will help do this.  You need to be able to deal with behaviors and know how to respond to tantrums and defiance.  Relationships are so important to all of us, but especially when working with children, so you need to be good with people and know how to build a relationship with someone.   It's a great job that I love doing every day.  good luck!

  8. Be very patient and open to the children. treat them equally with attention and love. I had a day care at a church with 53 children and they were all precious, Feed them, set boundries and rules and gain their confidence, Its tuff on a little kid being away from Mom and Dad so again, go to the well of patience and it will all work out, Set a schedule for activities and rotate teams of helpers. They love to help when its appropriate for you. God bless and best of luck. I currently teach also butI did pre school before also.

  9. It's like being mother to all of your students at the same time. Besides teaching the alphabet you also teach them how to eat go to the bathroom resolve fights and mend boo boos.

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