
What can you tell me about bison?

by Guest66509  |  earlier

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What animals were bred to make them? I recall reading they were a type of big goat. What of the skunk bison variety?




  1.   Bison were bred by taking male goat kids that were attracted to both sexes and interbreeding then with each other.  Hence the name "bi-son".

      The skunk bison is the smallest variety, but also the most dangerous. It can emit a foul spray of "bison juice" which can be lethal to those who have nut allergies.

      That is all I'm gonna say about that.

  2. Do ppl eat bison meat? Is it tasty?

  3. Only bison are bred to make more bison.  They are an established breed all of their own.  The big goat reference is new to me, perhaps they were given that moniker because they are sure footed, or because they are hairy, just like goats.  Skunk bison's is also new to me, perhaps it is due to their smell.  

    Bison's are incredibly tasty and have warm pelts or coats of fur.  They are also more nutritious then cows or beef.  Try Bison burgers or bison steaks.  Mmmm.

  4. Apparently, you can name them "cupcake" without fear of being trampled from bison rage.

  5. Bison is a taxonomic group containing six species of large even-toed ungulates within the subfamily Bovinae. Only two of these species still exist: the American bison (B. bison) and the European bison, or wisent (B. bonasus), each with two subspecies.

    In American Western culture, the bison is commonly referred to as "buffalo"; however, this is a misnomer: though both bison and buffalo belong to the Bovidae family, the term "buffalo" properly applies only to the Asian water buffalo and African buffalo

    The American and European bison are the largest terrestrial mammals in North America and Europe. Bison are nomadic grazers[citation needed] and travel in herds, except for the non-dominant bulls, which travel alone or in small groups during most of the year. American bison are known for living in the Great Plains. Both species were hunted close to extinction during the 19th and 20th centuries but have since rebounded, although the European bison is still endangered.

    Bison have a fairly simple diet. The bison's main food is grass. Bison also eat the low lying shrubbery that is available. In the winter, bison forage in the snow looking for grass. If there is little grass available, bison have to resort to eating the twigs of the shrubs and plants.

  6. "Skunk bison???". I don't think so. Good eating. Very little fat. Unbelievable animal. My neighbor has a herd. Don't play with them.

  7. Hm. I thought they were similar to buffalos. (Don't ask me about *them,* though, I thought they had wings for years...) All I know about bison is I killed a lot of them when I would play Oregon Trail on the computer.

  8. do they tell you to pick your socks up off the floor?  do they whine every time you forget to compliment them on their new hair style?  do they try and block you when you want to spend time with your friends, not because you really like football, but because you got to get away for awhile and have not where else to go?  i tell you, if it really came down to a woman or a bison... i'd have to think awhile

  9. I was wondering about this myself. I think they are more like a large dog than a goat. I mean, I've heard they make great pets and such...

    I've never heard of a skunk bison... but I think a breeding program is a worthy experiment given its potential for the pet shop market..... A pink one would be nice... maybe even hairless.... we could cross it with a flamingo and an alligater.

    Come play with my little pink Bisonater.

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