
What can you tell me about infinite time?

by Guest56478  |  earlier

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A time that always was and forever will be? Space that never begins or ends? Hard concept for my human mind. Any ideas?




  1. time eventually ends for time had to start somewhere if it has a start it has an end it is a thing found in our universe that is very complicated but i can tell you it ends and prove it say you where to clap you hands infinite times would you ever get you wouldn't beacuse time doesn't go that far its an allusion  

  2. Infinity is everything. Everything, including space, time, souls, last forever from their initial starting points and they never will stop.  

  3. It never ends, but something is there to purposely think there is an end to keep people from going insane from thinking about it. Time is a man made thought. It does not exist, so all in all infinite time does not exist. Theres just forever.

  4. time is like this question

    how long is a piece of string and where did it come from?

  5. Infinite time is "time" that lasts forever or for all-time. There's a fundamental problem in the question in that the objective terms are synonymous (infinite, time, forever, all-time are all temporal classifications).

    Time is both a concept and an experience. It is a concept in that it really doesn't exist outside of the minds of human beings. Yet it is also what we experience (but there is the rub of our experience being subjective to our psycho-biological structure, but I digress).

    Space is not a "thing" - it is actually the lack of "things." Space is the emptiness or void which "things" are in. But if we can designate point (a) as say Mars for example, and (b) as Earth, then the Space between (a) and (b) can be given a finite amount. The thought of space being infinite defies are Left-Brains' need for analytical satisfaction. Perhaps we should treat the question with the other hemisphere?..

    Many people put an overemphasis on science (e.g. "science" is not a body of knowledge; it is not a system of ideas of beliefs; science is a methodology used to discover causation, i.e. the "scientific method") which depends upon the use of rationalism, i.e. Logic. Yet, logic is yet another aspect of our makeup which "natural selection" has determined. So our abilities and methodologies are both limited and paradoxically flawed, (especially when we say that nature, i.e. "evolution" has no intelligence behind it, yet it produces intelligence, which we elevate to almost deification in our attempts to understand our world, universe, and selves, but then the intelligence which was produced by the blind chance of chaotic cosmic "stuff" ends up being unintelligent by its own means and ends, then the volumes of theoretical knowledge are essentially shot down because after all, what is "meat" to think that it can understand itself or its own understanding).

    Others may be intellectually humbled by the sheer fact or realizing human limits and, as the Iris DeMent song says, "Let the Mystery Be."

    Philosophy stands on the ground of one having a sense of Wonder. Why can't we continue to be grounded in Wonder without being categorized to the realm of fantasy and obscurity?

  6. I'm not convinced that time is infinite, or that anything is for that matter.  Infininty may just be a concept, one that's impossible to ever prove if it exists or not.  Sure it exists in the mathematical world.  But that's just in our heads.  We can't take a spaceship to the end of the universe to see if it goes on forever.  We can't wait around to see if time stops or loops around or something like that.  We can't measure distances infinietely small to see if there's a smallest unit of distance.

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