
What can you tell me about the Honda Interceptor? is it a good bike? i dont c to many people with them. . .?

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if any one has ever had this bike plz give me your honest opinion about it.




  1. What Model? I have heard  that valve adjustments are insanely expensive on some of them but that's true of a lot of V 4s. I have heard of people selling them rather than deal with it.

  2. Love mine.  Lots of torque from the V4 and then you hit about 7k rpm and all the valves kick in and it goes from Dr Jeckle to Mr Hyde...and the quiet polite engine sounds like it's eating babies.

    You can buy factory hardbags for it, there is an English outfit that sells them at a decent savings even after the shipping.  Nice sport touring bike with some extra leg room but still has the nice lay down riding position.  A little underpowered next to full on sport bikes, but it feels like you are riding on rails at 120.

    I wish they made it in a 1000 instead of an 800, but then again it has never not offered to go faster than I've ever asked it to.

    I'm glad I chose it as a sportier sport touring bike.  Had the valves checked at 40K and still fine.

  3. it is a very good bike but when they do breakdown it will cost alot of money to fix as far as speed go's i was colcked at 140 on mine of couse now i cant drive any more.

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