
What can you tell me about the Zodiac sign Aries?

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Im a legit aries i just want to know if it relates to my personality :)




  1. you go after what you want, you don't dwell, your enthusiastic about ideas, deep down your sentimental when it counts, energetic, brave, often sucessful, streight forward, honest, in the moment, down to earth, like to travel, good looking (i have found) lol, you can be very romantic and you secretly want romance, your impulsive and tend to act on descisions then and there. Your always keeping busy and moving on, your a cardinal sign which means you make a great boss, you have great ideas that you like to follow and be in charge in, when you like someone you like to be the person that recognises it, you enjoy your freedom and need a partner who is equally as independant although you like to spend much of your time with your partner you do not like clingyness, youyr inspirational, and you are hard working

  2. In short....

    + Adventurous, bold, extroverted, competitive

    - Stubborn, always has to be #1 (dominant), aggressive

  3. I'm a legit Aries too, April 4, I fit most of the descriptions except quick tempered and selfish, other than that, pretty accurate,

  4. Nothing as there is nothing to tell, bunch of baloney.

  5. Aries

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