
What can you tell me about these bible stories?

by Guest62609  |  earlier

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Can you tell me something about these stories? I've filled out what I know about them, any corrections or additional info would be great! Thanks!

Here are the stories, and what I understand about them (if anything):

Lazarus : resurrected by Jesus

Esther: Haman wanted all Jews killed, Xerxes has him killed because Esther is a Jew.

King Solomon: 1 baby, 2 mothers, King rewards it to woman who cares for it most (doesn't want to split it in half)

Sodom/Gomorrah: ?

Abraham: ?

Mary Magdalene: ?

Titus: ?

Proverbs: a book of wisdom

Jonah: ?

Ezekiel: 4 faced creature

Moses: ?

3 magi: ?

Prophecy against Philistia: ?

I'm not very religious, but I'm doing my best to understand the major biblical stories in the short time that I have. Thank you again.




  1. They're all fairytales

  2. Lazarus : Resuscitated by Jesus

    Esther: Used by God to save the Hebrews from annihilation.

    King Solomon: Son of David - built first temple on Moriah.

    Sodom/Gomorrah: Destroyed by God for their depravity

    Abraham: The patriarch of the Jews

    Mary Magdalene: Follower of Jesus - one of three to the tomb.

    Titus: Disciple of Paul

    Proverbs: A book of wisdom by Solomon

    Jonah: Refused to warn Nineveh of judgment. God had other ideas.

    Ezekiel: Prophet of God

    Moses: Led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt. Gave the Law at Sinai

    3 magi: No such number. They were kings from the East

  3. Lazarus : resurrected by Jesus  Lazarus and Mary and Martha, his sisters were friends of Jesus.  Lazarus got sick and died.  After he was dead, Jesus went to raise him from the dead because they would have said it was only a swoon if He had raised him when he became sick.

    Esther: Haman wanted all Jews killed, Xerxes has him killed because Esther is a Jew.

    King Solomon: 1 baby, 2 mothers, King rewards it to woman who cares for it most (doesn't want to split it in half)

    Sodom/Gomorrah: ? Very sinful cities and known for their homosexuality.

    Abraham: ?  Chosen by God to bring Jesus into the world through his seed.  Abraham was faithful to God even though he had not known God when he was younger.

    Mary Magdalene: ?  Mary from Magdaia, not to be confused with Mary and Martha from Bethany

    Titus: ?  A Gentile that followed Jesus

    Proverbs: a book of wisdom that it would do well to follow.

    Jonah: ?  A  Prophet that was told to go to teach Gentiles and he refused to go.  Was swallowed by a huge fish, spit up 3 days later and rushed to Nineveh where he told to go preach.

    Ezekiel: 4 faced creature  

    Moses: ?  Man born a Hebrew and raised up to be son of Pharoah's daughter.  When he was 40 years of age, he chose to be with the Jews rather than have the riches of the king's house.

    3 magi: ?  Wise men from the East, but the Bible does not say how many there were, only that they brought 3 kinds of gifts to Jesus and many surmise that each brought a different gift, thus 3 men.  Only supposition, though.  It could have been 10 or 15.

    Prophecy against Philistia: ?

  4. There is too much there for one initial answer. I would suggest you join a Bible study group with your church. If you do not belong to an earthly institution already then there are many that are willing to accept you into their fold.


    PS: I am not a seventh day adventist but they have quite a few interesting study videos and books.

  5. I could, but Y!A doesn't like long answers !

    Go To:

    And arrange a genuine Bible study for yourself.



  6. mary magdalene = the only intelligent of the 12

  7. 2) Esther: Haman wanted all Jews killed, Xerxes has him killed because Esther is a Jew.

    Correction:  This is not why Xerxes had Haman killed.  Rather, it was because he was caught (by Xerxes) in an apparent assault against Esther, the queen.  Esther's claim to fame is convincing the king to halt the planned pogrom against the Jews.

    3) Solomon

    Addition:  built the first temple, son of King David.

    4) Sodom / Gomorrah

    Addition:  two cities destroyed by fire raining down from heaven because of their sin.  When 2 (male) angels appeared in Sodom to rescue Lot (Abraham's nephew), the men of the city attempted to rape the male angels.

    5) Abraham

    Addition:  first "Jew", ancestor of the Jews that was a worshiper of Yahweh (God).  His grandson was named "Israel".

    6) Mary Magdalene

    Addition:  disciple of Jesus, formerly possessed by demons and healed by him, not the sister of Lazarus., but first to arrive at the tomb after Jesus' resurrection.

    8) Proverbs

    Addition:  life advice with a religious bent.

    9) Jonah

    Addition:  dude swallowed by a whale for running from the mission of preaching that God had given him.

    10) Ezekiel

    Addition:  creatures were identified as cherubim (a sphinx-like type of angel)

    11) Moses

    Addition:  the religious founder of Judaism.  While Abraham was "father" of the Jews and the entire Hebrew "nation", Moses was the religious founder of **Judaism**, those religious practices laid down in the bible, known as "Mosaic Law" (just "The Law" to the Jews), including the 10 commandments.  He is considered the greatest prophet by the Jews.

    12) 3 magi

    Addition:  3 "astronomers" who followed a star to discover the recently-born king of Judea  whom they identified as Jesus.


  8. I suggest a Bible study guide. You can get a FREE Bible correspondence course here:

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