Can you tell me something about these stories? I've filled out what I know about them, any corrections or additional info would be great! Thanks!
Here are the stories, and what I understand about them (if anything):
Lazarus : resurrected by Jesus
Esther: Haman wanted all Jews killed, Xerxes has him killed because Esther is a Jew.
King Solomon: 1 baby, 2 mothers, King rewards it to woman who cares for it most (doesn't want to split it in half)
Sodom/Gomorrah: ?
Abraham: ?
Mary Magdalene: ?
Titus: ?
Proverbs: a book of wisdom
Jonah: ?
Ezekiel: 4 faced creature
Moses: ?
3 magi: ?
Prophecy against Philistia: ?
I'm not very religious, but I'm doing my best to understand the major biblical stories in the short time that I have. Thank you again.