
What can you tell me of Obama?

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Is there any website or magazine thing that catches obama in a lie?

i keep reading that people say he's a liar but i want to see what it is that he's saying!

links and websites would be great


i need information for a paper due this sat on obama




  1. i don't like obama, but he's a smart speaker and rarely makes mistakes. the only mistake he did recently was over a holocaust site about his uncle.

  2. i don't like him,,as a german(me). but he has some great ideas better than hillary.- i'm voting for her!

    he was born in haWAiii and his mother is white and daddy is black

    everybody on his campaign is white(blacks don't like him cause of his race(huh?)

    he makes very few mistakes,but people say he's a liar cause he's black and white

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