
What can you tell me that I can't have discovered through research?

by  |  earlier

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I have been to Italy before (Rome, Florence, and Assisi) and am going back this summer to Rome for a year. I have the funds to support myself for a year but I am still going to try to get a job while over there (nothing fancy though).

I'm young (18 years old) and will be by myself. I think I've prepared the best I can but any extra advice/knowledge would be helpful.

My Italian isn't that great, but I am trying to learn it...I have to teach myself because there are no Italian language courses offered where I live. When I get into Rome though it is required for me to take a class to learn Italian.

I already have an apartment and it is for 600 Euro monthly. It was the nicest inexpensive one I could find.....I do have to share it though. It is also about 15 minutes walking distance from the Spanish Steps.

I have looked up everything from crime rates (which is low..the only real crime is petty crime. Like pick pockets and such.) to average yearly weather temperatures. This is a site I've used allot seems pretty accurate but a little out of date on things like prices.

Upon first arriving there will be a family member with me to help settle in. I am very excited and can not wait for June (which is when I'll be arriving). I just want to make sure I know everything I can before I get there. Thanks for all the help!




  1. If you really want to experience Italy , go sud (south)

    Puglia ,(Pestiche, Gravina,)  Basillicata.,(Maratea)

    the Italy you will find is wonderful and warm. No stress. Beauty unmatched ,a life far different from ours. Go to the smallest Trattoria and eat. Stay at the small hotels or Inns you find on the way. You will be treated with love and find a place you can love.

    Try to speak the language, however poorly , they will delight in your effort. Bring photos of your family, family is everything to them. Enjoy.

  2. congrats!

    i don't know what to tell u, since u did all your HW. but i have a question, are u enrolled in a program from ur college? b/c i'm also interested in study abroad programs like this one, if that's what it is.

    my email  -

    ps. goodluck and have fun!!

  3. Following your questions here, I guess youìll be the most prepared visitor in the world! Don't worry, you'll be fine! I wish you a wonderful experience! have fun!

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