
What can you use as an alternative to Fluoride?

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It's not hysteria




  1. I make my own toothp[aste to avoid the poison (fluoride).

    Here is:

    baking soda



    Mix them to create the paste.  Use a sealable bottle to keep it.

    Pour paste on brush and go.

    The taste is generic but works much better than the poison version.

    My 2 cents.

  2. There is a lot of hysteria over fluoride, but it works! No alternative has been found.

  3. I'm assuming you're referring to using it clean your teeth.

    It's not very common knowledge, but teeth are worse of when exposed to fluoride than nothing (since flouride corrodes bones).  In the original studies that were done, the data was basically

    Control Group: minor cavities

    Treatment Group: no teeth (although in all fairness they used a much higher concentration than what people are exposed to these days).

    If you'd like to see a good book detailing all the facets of fluoride problems, take a look at "The Fluoride Deception."  It details the information very well (and substanciates it).  I have a pdf of it if you'd like me to email it.

    As far as alternatives go;

    #1 you can get Flouride free tooth paste.  It works well.  I know tom's has a brand, and there are probably a few others that do as well.

    #2 You can use hydrogen peroxide as a mouth wash.  It's very effective for killing most of the things in your mouth which would create plaque without harming you (provided you don't swallow it).  I've mostly just used peroxide and gotten amazing results, as has everyone I've recommended it to.

    #3 I talked to a very intelligent dentist about my peroxide theory.  He said I was correct that it's very effective for killing the pathogens in your mouth and that fluoride/the heavy metals used in dentistry are about the worst thing you can put in your mouth, but that my approach wasn't complete.  Basically, of the things which can cause problems in your mouth, hydrogen peroxide only kills 2/3s of them.  Conventiently, baking soda deals with the rest.  Hence he advocated mixing baking soda and hydrogen peroxide together to make a tooth paste (theres a certain ratio of each where it becomes a paste, it's pretty obvious if you do it yourself).  Discounting the fact it isn't flavored, to my knowledge it's the best tooth paste available.  Conveniently it's also the cheapest!

    #4 Take a look at the work of Dr. Weston Price and his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.  He basically found roughly 100 years ago, that in many native cultures people did not bother maintaining oral hygeine, but they were nearly free of tooth problems, whereas in the modern world tooth problems were quite common.  He also had the opportunity to observe a few instances where a native culture got brought into the modern world, and changed their diet to the grain/sugar based one we have now, and noticed a corresponding increase in dental conditions and other sickness.  Hence, he postulated that the modern diet is the main thing which causes problems for the teeth.

    Put differently, the best thing you can do to maintain your teeth is to eat less sugar, grains (and now in our modern time soda) and instead have more natural diets high in vegatables and other foods hunter gathers would get.

    Anyhow, I hope that helps.

    Good to know you're on the right path.

    Message me if you want to know anything else!

  4. If you're using flouride to prevent tooth decay, then the answer you need is GOOD SOLID NUTRITION-- particularly minerals, calcuim, magnesium, etc.  The reason why we have tooth decay in this country is not because of the sugar we eat, but because our bodies don't have the extra nutrition and materials to rebuild tooth enamel.  It is not a natural evolutionary occurrence that we have tooth decay, and our bodies (the extraordinary things they are)  DO HAVE the ability to rebuild enamel.  Modern fluoride that is put into commercial toothpastes is literally sourced from petrochemical factories because digging up natural fluoride from the earth is too much work for the companies that want the dollars.  We want think that the by-product fluoride is acceptible, but it isn't, and I applaud your efforts to not buy into the lies and chemicals.  I use and love Tom's of Maine products because many do not contain fluoride, and thanks to a whole food multivitamin-multimineral supplement, my teeth have never been in better shape.

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