
What can you use on your skin after swimming to neutralize the chlorine?

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The chlorine in the pool at my local YMCA makes me feel like I'm getting hives. Plus, since our skin is our biggest organ, I am concerned about the toxicity. Is there something to use either before or after swimming that minimizes this effect?




  1. A good cleansing shower with a bar of soap right after getting  out is the best thing you can do to get the chlorine off. You will feel squeaky clean as opposed to the greasy feeling you would get from slathering your whole body in lotion.

  2. Well, since most public pools prohibit the use of any lotions or creams before getting in the pool--it could compromise the integrity of the water's cleanliness for others--your best bet is to do something after.

    Really the most important thing when you get out is to immediately shower, using soap and thoroughly rinsing everything off. You just want to get that chlorine off your skin. Then, while you are still wet, apply a good lotion. Since it sounds like you have sensitive skin (something I know about, hives run in my family LOL), I recommend good old Aveeno, just the regular Daily Moisturizing Lotion. The oatmeal in it will fend off skin irritation, and the active ingredient is a long lasting skin protectant.

    Hope that helps!

  3. Usually, pools dont let u use lotions or vaseline of any kind before getting in the pool becuase it can mess up the chlorine or something, i cant remember. What you can do is when you shower, get a good rinse of just water, then use a moisterizing soap. Then, if you really wanna get good, use some lotion after you dress. Some pools are like this. I think it is becuase of the type of chlorine they use, or how much chlorine is put in. It will not get your skin toxic-ied, so dont worry...just make sure u take that shower.. :)

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