
What can you use to sell stuff besides using ebay or a garage sales and get money in return for what you sell?

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My family has a lot of stuff in our basement that we want to sell and get money for because we are re-doing are basement into an entertainment center with a huge flat screen and more. We need to get rid of all of our old stuff though. Please leave comment with what you think the best way is. Thanks a lot!




  1. Craigslist is probably the best. Very few people know about google base (c-list ripoff) yet and craigslist is pretty easy/casual to use. I sold a shoe rack for 50% of what I paid in this way, last month.

    Craigslist just works.

    You could also donate your stuff to a charity or nonprofit and get a tax write-off. Just make sure if you're itemizing that it'll actually be a net benefit--more than $5,500 a year is the standard deduction I believe. But don't take my word for it.


  2. Well at this site you can sell your stuff, keep all the proceeds with no percentage deducted and earn at the same time, if you choose this option.  Visit:

  3. Boot sales, auctions, cards on your local supermarket notice board.

  4. If on line selling is what you would prefer, but would rather steer clear of Ebay, there are many sites available for personal sales, such as Google, Sell dot com and Craigslist.

    To sell personal items without having a garage sale, you might consider contacting an auction house.  

  5. MarketWall is a good free site for selling locally:

  6. Two things you must keep in mind are the size and weight of the items.  If an item is large, cumbersome and or very heavy, your best bet is Craigslist where the buyer comes to your house to pick up the item.  The ‘problem’ with Craigslist is that you have a very limited potential market, i.e., you general geographic area. It’s a trade off situation with Craigslist. You will probably get less for it than if you sold it in a larger market but you don’t have to worry about shipping. I would also advise you to have buyers bring cash, no checks. CASH is KING!

    On the other hand, if the items are easily boxed, go the ebay route as this is where you can maximize profits. Ebay is the largest auction site:

    Most members, by far, of any auction site = maximum competition = higher closing prices

    Do not limit your auctions to one country. SELL WORLDWIDE. The reason is elementary. You now have access to the largest market ebay has to offer. Limiting your auctions to only one country also limits your potential profits. A basic business tenet is, 'the greater the potential market, the greater the potential to maximize profits.' But do note in your listing that PayPal is the only form of payment you will accept from overseas bidders/buyers.  Through experience, you will learn that there are certain problem countries. Italy seems to be one of them. Mail sent to buyers in Italy very often ‘mysteriously disappears.’  If this is the case, just note in your listing you sell to all countries EXCEPT (name(s) here).

    However, if you decide to limit sales to only one country, such as the USA, never say NO when you receive an email asking if you would ship to Taiwan, Germany, Australia or wherever. The reason is that you have a ‘FISH ON THE HOOK!’ This person will bid! When he or she does, this may force a previous bidder to enter another, higher bid or force later, first time bidders to come in with higher bids. So always say YES to these emails if you want to maximize your profits.  But do say that PayPal is the only form of payment you will accept from these overseas bidders

    Do not limit your payment options – Offer all of them. Sellers who offer only PayPal or only money orders or money orders and checks are further limiting their potential market and, in turn, reducing their potential to maximize profits. Some people will not bid on items that do not have PayPal as a payment option. Then you have a smaller percentage that refuse to use PayPal and prefer to pay by check only or money order only.

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