
What candidate in this election would you most trust your life with in a dire situation.?

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So lets say your plane crashes in Montana and you were injured; which candidate would you prefer to be there to help you survive in the situation. Mccain, Obama, Biden, and or Palin? I know who I would pick if I could choose only one.




  1. Obama, because he's young and probably wouldn't try kill me because I'm an atheist.

  2. definitely not Obama the confused one.

  3. McCain and Palin are qualified..

    I'd be fine with either one.Palin hunts and John McCain being a former pilot has survival training..

  4. If you would have turned away from fox noise channel a few hours ago you would have seen Obama saving the life of someone who fainted during his speech. Ever resourceful, Obama tossed the person a bottle of water so my pick would be Obama for his resourcefulness.

  5. (In a plane crash) Biden all the way. He seems down to earth and would keep me awake by talking so much for help to arrive.

    I answered your question the way you asked it, not the way you explained your reasoning for it!

    (In a political situation) McCain all the way. He would know what kind of help to get by his experience.

  6. Palin. Why? Because she can raise 5 babies. She has more judgment and expertise than all other 3 guys running for office combined.

  7. McCain. As a marine he learned survival skills, but I may have to choose Palin because I don't know how to dress out a kill.

  8. McCain 30 years ago,,,   Today it would be Palin...

    When she got the phone call about her selection, she was out on an ATV hunting caribou...  Amazing.

  9. Hum..... another die hard confederate flag fanatic.You must be sick to trust any one with your life, but by the way not those Republicans, Mccain and his fling.

    Obama is as just as good a candidate as an if not better.He worked to get where he is like most real Americans. Racism and republican party are one in the same. WE ALL ARE thinking that's why we are not listening to YOU.

  10. Surviving a plane crash in Montana and being President of the USA do not require the same skill set.

  11. palin she is the only one who has actually been in the wild hunted for food and can find herself out of the woods

  12. I got a better question:

    Who would you pick to keep your gas prices from going up to$8.00 per gallon? which case most of us would have to choose gas over eating or paying some bills.

    Obama/Biden ' for change!

  13. Well in a situation like that i'd pick Palin, seeing that she lives in Alaska and her husband races snowmobiles or something like that.  She also is raising five children which means she can handle just about  Afterwards I'd pick Biden.  He seems very rational.  Obama could be of help  in a host of other situations, but not this one.  I certainly would not trust McCain.  The old fella just doesn't have the strength to help out.

    Obama/Biden 08!!!!!

  14. Ron Paul.

    He is a doctor, after all...

    (and I'd likely suspect McCain crashed the plane to begin with...)

  15. Palin. Obama hates me for being whitey and doesn't know when life begins (he might not think I'm alive). Biden - 40 million dead don't bother him so why would I?  

  16. Joseph Biden.

    Palin has an infant daughter would be negligent if she left her.

    Obama will be the President of the United States and will be too busy.

    McCain is way too old and it won't be long until he is dead.

    That leaves Joe Biden.

  17. Sarah Palin. The rest probably couldn't find the back of the plane with a compass and string attached to it.

  18. In Montana? I'd have to say Palin since she has lived in the country all of her life. If the plane went down in Watts or south Chicago, Obama would be an asset by my side (if he was by my side), McCain would certainly be the experienced one if I crashed in a foreign country, then there's Biden...maybe if I was in a bar in New York city (don't know why he seems like he would be comfortable on a bar stool)

  19. I would pick Sarah Palin. As long as she brought her trusty shotgun along we would have bear and moose steaks for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Plus she can play basketball even with a broken ankle, so I am sure she could walk 100 miles to the nearest town no matter what injuries she had. Finally, we might have landed on an oilfield, and Sarah might get Todd to start drilling.

  20. That's easy....the one that has already survived being shot down in a plane and then survived more than 5 years in a prison camp......McCain.  But what's the point of the question?

    Thank you for clarifying your reason for the question.  I totally agree with everthing you stated.  Two real records to run on, up against no record, and a record of lies.  Hmmmmm......pretty clear choice to me.

  21. Good question. Anyone who doesn't say McCain is lying. Of course that is who you would want. . . if you wanted to survive.  

  22. Perhaps it could be of assistance to pick the candidate with experience in Vietnam (McCain) than an inexperienced liberal who won't be able to back up any of his campaign promises (Obama).

  23. I have an interesting mental tool for evaluating people.  I ask myself if I found myself on a deserted island after a ship sinking and out in the surf I saw someone struggling to get ashore.  If that person joins me they will either help me survive, endanger my survival or produce no change.

    Now, do I risk my life and go into the surf to help them ashore, or do I risk my life to go into the surf and drown them, or do I just there and wait to see what happens.

    Sarah Palin I'd help ashore.  Most other politicians I would drown.  I might just watch Biden and see what happens.

  24. i do not trust my life or the lives of my loves to any politician or government agencies!

    one does not need government to take care of them!

    when will people understand that it is because of politicians and alliances, we have warsfraud and corruption in government!

  25. Biden.

  26. Palin, with McCain a close second. I trust McCain, but his injuries from his time as a POW coupled with his age would make it more difficult for him to do some physical tasks. Palin knows how to handle herself in the wilderness, can keep her wits about her and has the integrity to do the right thing.  

  27. the most obvious for the way you have structured your question,of course would be Pavin, as her experiences in alaska would best aid in a wilderness emergency, but then the executive branch of the govtdoesn'tt really assist in such ventures does it, on national emergencies my sense would be mccain,his answers to the questions on the rick warren forum were quick, spontaneous and succinct, palin might be good for your plane crash, but then we know little about her yet,bi denn hasn't stood up to the test yet either, but we have seen him for years, his end game on the iraq war was emphatically rejected by the iraqi leaders, and political pundits as wellas militaryy pundits, so his foreign policy is worth -0-watchingg his actions in the senate as he votes as kennedy tells him to do,obviates any nonpartisan coo-operation, on the other hand obama has no record of crossing the aisledefinable history, so the democrat ticket, isn't definable therefore untenable

  28. Palin, then McCain.

    Biden and OBama have never been outside of their political big city circles.  

    Just the Facts.

    Anonymous:  LOL!!!!!!!  NAILED THE QUESTION, hands down!  Too funny, but honest.

  29. On the surface I would have to say McCain. No one knows for sure

    where one is going to line up in the case of a dire emergency.

    John has shown his core strength, and his Core integrity, I would

    have to pick him.

  30. I can't choose only one. It's definitely Obama-Biden.

  31. I would chose Palin because she would pull her gun out of her bra and kill an animal for us to eat.  Or she might even kill it with her bare hands and make burgers for us.  

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