
What cant you buy with money?

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I know there is a few things you cant buy with money, some say you cant buy love with money and some say you cant, so putting love aside.

what do you think you cant buy with money?




  1. your last breath

  2. Well I have heard it said that you cant buy your way into heaven.

    Also I still think you cant buy true love.

  3. you sure as h**l cant buy trust

  4. True Love.

  5. silence

  6. Money can't buy happiness - mostly. There's been actual research on it. The "happiness economics" page in the sources down there cites studies that indicate once a country is above a $15,000 per capita GDP, its people don't get any happier.

  7. You can't buy knowledge. You can be rich but still stupid as a rock.  

  8. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

    almost any thing

  9. you can't buy sentimental memories.that's for sure,because you can only make them..i know i know,im being cheezy.

  10. people

  11. family and real friends

  12. u

  13. intelligence

  14. A decent can opener and a Fokker D VII.

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