
What car insurance do you need for taking old ladies shopping, travelling between houses etc?

by  |  earlier

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Think I asked the question wrong first time round. How much does it cost on top of your originally policy




  1. Well surely the best people to ask would be your insurance company.

  2. do you volenteer ? - if so and you dont get paid then you should be covered under social domestic and pleasure use as long as you tell your insurance company that you volenteer *** each insurance company differs so you will have to check with them ***

    do you do this as part of your job - for example care assistant ? if so then you will need class 1 buisness use *** again you will have to check if this is acceptable to your insurance company and how much they charge as some will charge other wont ***

    do you get paid purly to take the ladies to the shops - so like a taxi driver ? - if so you will need a hire and reward policy - i will give you more info if you wont but i dont think this is what you are doing but had to give you all the options

  3. what insurance do old ladies need to push a shopping trolley!!! i have been bashed so many times by old ladies when i was working in asda!

  4. It should be covered under "Third Party" but you might want to check with your insurer in case there are exclusions for work or voluntary work.

  5. I have met this kind of question before,I like to go to here to find some useful tips,it is always help.

  6. If you are doing it out of the goodness of your heart i.e. not on a commercial basis - then it cost's nothing.

    If you are charging them then you need a private hire insurance policy. VERY expensive.

    (Further to the comments about pies and such - if you carry someone and at the end of the journey they offer you some money - or an apple pie then that is not 'carriage of passengers for hire or reward' - if someone says - "Can you take my mother to town - I'll give you a fiver" then that technically is!)

  7. If you are not charging them, then you are just giving them a lift and not plying for hire, so there should not be any excess on your insurance.

    I regularly pick up villagers and take them into town, to save them waiting for the bus and sometimes have arranged a time when I will be returning to drop them back home.

    I get some lovely home made jams and chutneys from them.

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