
What car insurance should I buy?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a new driver buying my first car--I'm 22, I started a little late. I'm shopping for car insurance, and it's just so confusing! Which insurer should I go with? What should I look for? How much is too much, and how much is too good to be true? Help!




  1. shop around dude, same as buying a car... SHOP AROUND the comparison sites like

  2. Try checking with your parents insurance.  If you are still in their household, or just coming off of their policy, you may actually get a better rate, plus you could get their long term discounts!

  3. Buying auto insurance can be a tedious process.  I used this site as a basic guide.

    Read this small details, that's where the companies will shave some of their cost and liability.  

  4. LOL this girl that just blurted out allstate or whatever she said is HILLARIOUS . . . no one can answer this question for you, it is one you have to do on your own it seems like a hassle and filling out all the forms maybe be a pain the . . .  you know what . . .  but would you rather take 15 minutes find out the best deal or jump in with ALLSTATE cause this girl said THEY ARE THE BEST . . . how ever once you get a quote allstate maybe the CHEAPEST but you will never know unless you do the foot work your self at websites like or even

  5. All state for sure.. that's the best!

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