
What car under £1,000 is reliable?

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My husbands car recently broke down and it looks like fixing it will cost more than the actual car is worth. We don't have much money to spend on a new car (up to £1,000) and need one that is reliable as again we can't afford to keep fixing it.

Any advice on what type of car to go for would be much appreciated.




  1. none - as far as I know!

  2. i would go for a Vauxhall  

    i own a vauxhall corsa its only a  1'2 merit

    but its a great car  very reliable and cheap to run

    mines here to stay i will never sell my Corsa

    you can pick a Corsa up for well under £1,000 easy

  3. auction is best bet to get car...take somebody who knows cars with u

  4. Honda




  5. First of all don't go to an auction cause you are bidding on cars that dealers are bidding on and those cars are at the auction because they did not sell on the dealer lots.  That is the story behind that.  I would look up about 10 to 15 older model hondas with high miles on them and then  go look at them start them up and if they do not smoke or leak anything that you can tell and drive without knocks or pings and look pretty clean than that would be the car for you.  You can defenatly get one of these for under $1000 and will have good luck  with it.  Stay away from the dealers for cars like this because they took them in on trade for about $200 if they are selling them around $1000 and they will not be reliable.

    Hope this helps.

  6. Hi some geezer has answered saying buy a ford Ka. I say stay well clear of them. I know of 3 people who have had them, bought them in vgc. within a couple of years loads of problems and on 2 of them the floors dropped out. Stay well clear.

  7. I work at the biggest car auction, in the midlands

    my advise is buy a nissan micra

    always reliable, cheap to

    we don't get many coming through our auction...reason

    they never go wrong.

  8. Get on and look for either a VW or something else german - those are the most reliable cars you can buy.  Private sellers will be most honest, they may even bring the car around to your place and will be prepared to haggle.

    However - Have you considered buying a new car????  

    You could drive in your old car, get a part exchange price and drive off a new car within a week or so.  That would give you 3 years of reliable motoring, no MOT, no road tax for 1st year.  ÃƒÂ‚£1000 would be a great deposit!  Payments would be £150 a month on a car costing £8000ish.

  9. Nissan Micra (old model).  Pretty much bomb proof, and usually driven my women/older drivers, so not abused.

  10. Either a Nissan Micra or Renault Clio. Pretty good cars all round, and very low on Insurance

  11. VW Polo , wont ever have serious rust problems and the engine, with proper oil changes will run on and on.

  12. ok take a course on car mechanics you and hubby, then go out and but that dream car, But make sure its that classic one from your youth you always loved.

    then you have classic car insurance,, CHEAP.. no raod TAX.. FREE!!!!!

    lots of car clubs,,, knowlwedgable mechanics ;-)

    dont bother with this modern day electric sensor everywhere tosh,, get  real car.. a nut and bolt car, that will become an investment also :-)

  13. 200sx



















  14. dont go to auctions, thats where the c**p on the last legs cars get sold just to get them out the way {very occasionally you may find a genuine one but you need to take atleast 5grand for something reliable through an auction} id buy something japanese {obviously nothing overly technical like a turbo or anything but pretty much any nissan or honda 1.6/1,8 are incredibly reliable

  15. Probably a Nissan Micra.

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