
What card game has the best odds of winning big money on?

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no suggestions of snap or happy families please guys :D




  1. Well...if you watch tv much, you'll see that Texas Hold Em poker is and has been hot now for the past few years and you have champions walking away with millions of dollars.  If you're a good player and have a good poker face, you have a chance....oh yeah...don't forget the buy-in price to get into one of these tournaments.

  2. The question needs more information. What do you mean by big money and what is your time frame.

    If you goal is to make money long term from a card game the answer is poker. No other card game is beatable over the long run. People who think they can beat blackjack are delusional.

    If you goal is a one time quick hit then blackjack or baccarat are your best bet (since Chemin de fer is not available in North America). I'd normally say craps with 100X odds but you said card game.

  3. The best odds of winning?  Or the best odds of winning big money?

    It's an odd way to phrase a question, because the best odds of winning 'big money' implies that you want a long shot bet, one that'll pay you many times your original investment.

    If that's the case, your best bet is one of the table games, where a longshot pays many-many times your bet amount.

    But then, if that's what you want, you'd be better off still buying a lottery ticket, where $1 can win you $100 million, $200 million, whatever.

    If, however, you're talking about the best odds of 'winning', and ulimately getting to big money, it would be at an honest home game of poker with some high rollers.

    There's no house advantage, there's no casino rake, and you're competing on an even playing field.  Of course, this assumes you are a decent poker player.  Otherwise, you're the reason the OTHER players showed up.



    It occurs to me that a DISHONEST home game might have even better odds, assuming you're the one making the game dishonest .... but perhaps I digress.

  4. poker is not the best way to win money.  black jack is.  poker is alright to win some in cash games but def. not in tourneys.  blackjack is because you are playing one person.  you basically control your odds.

  5. black jack. because you're only trying to beat one person....the banker!

  6. You can modify your odds of winning net win/loss amounts larger or smaller than your individual bets by playing a betting system in any game.

    The best chance of winning a large amount of money would be done by playing a progressive betting system toward a game with the smallest house advantage, perhaps video poker or blackjack, definately not slot machines unless you know it is a 99.9% payout machine, which is unlikely  otherwise those other games will be more efficient at giving you the best odds

  7. By far, winning a major poker tournament.  For an outlay of anywhere from $5000 - 10000 you can win a million dollars or more for first place.  The payout is even more dramatic if you enter by winning satellite tournaments with much smaller buy-ins.  "Best odds" is relative however.  You've gotta be a pretty damned good poker player to win a tournament.  Even small tournaments with buy-ins of $100 or so can win you a big return on your money.

    The only other card game with a decent return as far as gambling goes is blackjack, where you can win double or 1 1/2 times your bets.  Every other game is stacked so hard in favor of the house that it's impossible to make a real money run on them.


    To the guy below me:  Youi don't control your odds in blackjack, the odds are fixed.  Poker is the only form of gambling where the house has no factor or edge in the outcome of the play (aside from sports betting.)  Also the question is what game has the best odds of winning big money.  Since you can only double or 1 1/2 your bets in blackjack the odds and payouts don't come close to those of poker.

  8. Poker is the best game out there for the player because there is no house advantage. You play against other casino patrons.

    If you aren't the best poker player, then blackjack is next in line. Only a 1%-2% house advantage when you play "by the book" with optimal strategy.

    Good luck!

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