
What card games could I play with some girlfriends at a girls-night-in?

by Guest59954  |  earlier

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This summer I'm getting to gether with some girlfriends who I haven't seen in a while. I was hoping we could play some fun card games but none of us no how to play poker and I'm afraid that it won't be fun or we won't play it right. So are there some other games we could play that you know of (I can only think of "bullshit") that are simple and fun and are perfect for some old friends and cheap wine? lol.




  1. lol i know you want card games but that one game that is like apple to apples and it is soo fun and funny and you can talk about different things you remember from the past and stuff... i hate wikipedia but heres the most imformation about the game i could find:

    also you can play it with 4-10 people so yea...

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