
What cards should i use to replace solemn judment?

by Guest21336  |  earlier

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I have bottomless trap hole, phoenix wing wind blast, seven tools, magic jammer, and magic drain. I can't decide which to use instead of solemn judgement in my macro cosmos deck and in my six samurai.

What do you think i whould use and why?




  1. the closest thing to solemn judgment would  dark dont have to  pay half your life points but it only works for spells and traps

  2. Nothin Beats Solemn Though

    Dark Bribe

    Divine Wrath

    Destruction Jammer

    7 Tolols OF the Bandit

    Magic Jammer

  3. well you could always use traps that stop your oponetts attack  such as negate attack that stops the attack and ends the battle phase or magic cylinders that stops the attack and your opponet loses lifepoints  equel to the monsters atk points or draining shield that stops the attack and increases your lifepoints  by the attacking monters attack pointsor even sakuretsu armor that stops the attack and destroys the monter that attacked  you can also use other trap cards such as solemn wishes that increases your life points by 500 each time u dram a card or raigeki break that if u discard 1 card in your hand u can destroy any card on the feild or trap hole that destroys a monster with 1000  atk or more when its summoned but yah i understand it is tricky to choose traps because theres so many good ones out there

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