
What career can my friend follow choosing A level physics maths english literature and business studies?

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basically a good friend of mine is going to choose the above subjects but she has no idea whatsoever of what career to choose and i think her choice is rather dangerous considering she is not clear about choosing sciences or humanities should she change some of her subjects? what possibilities does these subjects give her?




  1. The chosen subjects will give your friend a broad and valuable base for Uni selection.  It is important to choose A level subjects based upon both ability and interest.  Your friend is lucky to have those diverse skills.  Inevitably, what happens is that during the course, students get a greater insight into the subject area which best suits them.  At present, at only 16,  it is absolutely normal for people not to be sure what they ultimately want to do.  Any future career will depend upon University course choice rather than A level choice.  Unless she wants to do a vocational course at Uni, such as medicine, I would say that the range she has chosen will keep lots of options open for her. Career opportunities which could follow are very wide ranging - too numerous to list. I wish her lots of luck.

  2. I personally think it's good that she has a mixture of sciences and humanities. I've just finished my A levels and will be doing English literature at uni, and still have no idea what I'm going to do for a career. If she decides later on that she wants to do a career she doesn't have the A levels for, she can do the ones she needs. Most people change careers several times in their lives. There a so many possibilities with those A levels that I couldn't begin to list them all. Really, for most things, what's most important is what you do at university that leads to your career, not your A levels.

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