
What career do YOU have with animals?

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If you work with them I mean.




  1. I volunteer at a horse farm. I'm charged with mucking stalls, leading horses to their pastures and am partially responsible for handling the foals!! Their so dumb because their babies, resisting the pull of the leads and all, but their cuteness makes up for it :P

  2. I volunteer at the Center for Birds of Prey.  

    I used to work in the clinic, where we cared for the injured birds but now I do transport.  We get calls of a bird, and I go pick it up and transport it to the center.

    Not a career, but something I really enjoy.

  3. I don't have one yet, but I'm planing on joining the Army as a Animal Care Specialist.

  4. biology student

  5. I work as a wildlife biologist specializing in ornithology (birds).

  6. I no longer do, but for just over three years I worked for a large aquarium on the east coast, USA.  

    I worked at a desk for a good part of the day, but in between, we had to help out with either educating tourists about small crustaceans, or standing watch by the stingray pool ...

    I had ample time to interact with the various marine life as I worked in the Education Dept. and in order to answer phones and book large group tours, etc... I had to really come to learn about the various programs we offered and about the animals themselves.

    It was a glorious job.

    Sea lions lived in the theater just a few yards away from the office I worked in. On weekends, I was a theater assistant as well.

    Did you know sea lions f**t like crazy? Well, um, YES. They do. It isn't pretty.

  7. I've done a few things. I have taught, worked for the USF&WS and a couple of states as a fishery biologist, worked on farms (only because I had to, for school), and been a consultant. Consulting can lead to almost anything, animal-related or not. Mostly, it is evaluating animal habitat in an area that someone wants to modify. I may decide that the change will have no significant effect, throw a figurative monkey wrench into the works by finding an imperilled animal, or propose a small modification to the project that saves desirable habitat.

  8. I used to work at a nature center where I was responsible for the care and acquisition of reptiles, mostly snakes. My education is in marine biology, however, with a special interest in crustaceans.

  9. i dont work with animals but id like to

  10. I am a caretaker of birds at a bird sanctuary

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