
What career path should I take?

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I wanted to be a flight attendant but unfortunately I'm only 5 feet tall. Now I am lost and I have no idea what career path I want to take. What careers/jobs are high paying and fun?




  1. Well since you don't meet the height requirement for what you really want to do let me suggest to never go for a job/career just for the money if it is not what you want to really do, don't let money lead you to a place that you are not happy were you hate going to work and if it comes to you hating your career it is no longer a career it is now just a job something that pays the bills. Search yourself and see what it is you really want to do, go to your local career services center where you live and check it out and see what you come up with.

  2. unfortunately there aren't many jobs that are high paying and fun, there is psychiatry. psychiatrists are payed $100-400.00 an hour and all they do is listen to people talk about whats bothering them.

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